Thursday, May 27, 2021 | 17:19 WIB
Chief Justice Anwar Usman reading out a decree at the ruling hearing of the 2020 Rokan Hulu regent election dispute, Thursday (27/05/2021). Photo by Humas MK/Ilham.
JAKARTA, Public Relations—The Constitutional Court (MK) issued the Decree No. 140/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 regarding the withdrawal of the 2020 Rokan Hulu regent election dispute petition by Candidate Pair No. 3 Hafith Syukri-Erizal. It was read out by Chief Justice Anwar Usman alongside the other eight constitutional justices at a ruling hearing on Thursday afternoon, May 27, 2021.
“[The Court] grants the withdrawal of the Petitioners’ petition,” he said.
In its legal considerations, the Court stated that it had received the petition on April 27, 2021 online from Hafith-Erizal, who gave power of attorney to Unoto Dwi Yulianto and colleagues. It was received on the e-BRPK (electronic constitutional case registration book) on May 6 as case No. 140/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 regarding the 2020 Governor, Regent, and Mayor Election.
The Court received a request to withdraw the petition on May 3 from the attorneys who filed the petition, which the Registrar’s Office received on May 5. The Court saw the need to confirm the request by asking the Petitioner’s attorneys at a hearing, which took place on May 19. The attorneys confirmed it and was ordered to read it out to confirm that the petition withdrawal request sent to the Court matched that which they had at the hearing.
Then, on May 24 the Court received a letter dated May 20 on the clarification of the request by regent candidate Ir. H. Hafith Syukri, M.M. sent to the Court’s summons officer via WhatsApp. The letter requested that the a quo case be examined because the withdrawal request was made arbitrarily by the vice regent candidate of Candidate Pair No. 3. However, as the letter was received after the case was decided by the Court, it was deemed irrelevant and, thus, be dismissed.
Also read:
Court Examines Dispute Cases of Rokan Hulu, Rokan Hilir, Kuantan Singingi Elections
Rokan Hulu KPU Deems Petition by Hafith-Erizal Vague
Regional Head Election Results Dispute of Rokan Hulu: Violations in Plantation Area
Voters Mobilization Proven, Constitutional Court Decides Election Redo for Rokan Hulu Regent
Hafith-Erizal Withdraw Petition on Rokan Hulu Revote Results
Writer : Nano Tresna Arfana
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti
Editor : R. A. Indah Apriyanti
Translation uploaded on 5/27/2021 17:48 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Thursday, May 27, 2021 | 17:19 WIB 237