Decision and Hearing
Image Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | 21:38 WIB | 110
Dispute of Election Result of Southwest Aceh: Respondent’s Witness said No Violations During the Election

The witnesses presented by the Respondent in the case of dispute the results of elections of regional heads of Southwest Aceh district stating that no violations during the General Election. Although there are several problems, according to them, all have…read more

Image Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | 21:31 WIB | 111
Dispute of Election Result of North Aceh: Evidence Not Proven, Petition is Denied

Respondent and the Related Parties are not proven to have committed offenses in a structured, systematic and massive that significantly affect the ranking of votes each candidate. Therefore, the Court rejected the petition in its entirety. This was conveyed by…read more

Image Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | 18:53 WIB | 113
Review of Establishment of Lingga District: Maruarar Siahaan Give Description as Petitioner’s Expert

The trial continued of review of Act No. 31 of 2003 on the establishment of Lingga District of Riau Islands Province was held back for a third time on Wednesday (9/5). This time the trial court hearing experts from Parties…read more

Image Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | 18:51 WIB | 142
Legally Unreasonable, the Court Rejects Petition of Pidie District

After passing through a long process, starting from the preliminary hearing and the evidentiary hearing the parties, ultimately the Constitutional Court (MK) decided to reject the entire petition of Dispute of Election Result of Pidie District case No. 20/PHPU.DX/2012 -…read more

Image Wednesday, May 09, 2012 | 18:47 WIB | 119
Intimidation, the involvement of civil servants, and Money Politics of West Aceh District Election

Abdul Hakim, teachers, civil servants (PNS) in Pasi Mali, West Woyla, explain the problems they experienced intimidation. He admitted that he removed from his position as principal on July 26, 2011, for not supporting the incumbent candidate, the candidate number…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 21:07 WIB | 166
Last Statement of the Parties in Dispute of Newmont divestment

Case authority dispute of state institutions (SKLN) submitted by the President through the Minister of Finance and Minister of Justice and Human Rights (Applicant) in the Constitutional Court on Tuesday (8/5) entering the eighth session. The trial is listening to…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 21:06 WIB | 125
Election Commission of Deiyai District Has Reverified

General Elections Commission (KPU) declared Deiyai District has implemented re-verification on which to base the issuance of the KPU Decree Number 02 Year 2012 Deiyai dated March 5, 2012 regarding the Stipulation of Candidate Regent and Vice Regent Deiyai. Re-verification…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 21:05 WIB | 162
Banda Aceh Independent Commission Denies Request Money Rp 20 Million

The trial continued to dispute the election results of Banda Aceh was held back the Constitutional Court (MK) on Tuesday (8/5) at the Plenary Court Room. Case no 34/PHPU.DX/2012 filed by Candidate Pair of Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Banda…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 21:03 WIB | 28
Witness Reveal ID Data Differences with Voter List of West Aceh District Election

Eight candidate’s regent / deputy regent of West Aceh, Aceh province who filed disputes regional head elections (Election) to the Constitutional Court, today, Tuesday (08/05/2012), to produce witnesses to testify at the trial Court. The trial for the third time…read more

Image Tuesday, May 08, 2012 | 20:37 WIB | 127
Election Commission of Tolikara Regency denies Petitioner Argument

Tolikara District Commission denied the proposition expressed by candidates number two John Tabo-Hedi Suyanto who sued the district election results Tolikara to the Constitutional Court on Monday (7/5), at the Plenary Court Room. The first hearing cases registered with the…read more