Injunctions follow-up session of the Constitutional Court (MK) to the case Number 3/PHPU.DX/2012 dated February 17, 2012 the Court held again on Tuesday (15/5).During the session, chaired by Constitutional Justice M. Akil Mochtar, it was heard the testimony of witnesses by the Petitioner.
Panwaslukada Dogiyai District, represented by Palfianus Kegou revealed the presence of a delay by the District Election Commission Dogiyai as the Respondent in the implementation of the Voting Birthday (PSU). According Palfianus, the Respondent to gain time so that the reason for the provision of logistical delays PSU Dogiyai District to May 2, 2012. In fact several times, continued Palfianus, Respondent held a meeting with PPD, the Police, to Panwaslukada. In fact, Palfianus disclose the imposition of the District Election Commission Chairman Dogiyai of PPD to make a statement.
"The statement contains PPD consent to submit to the KPU logistics division. From the date of March 21, Chairman of the Commission called a meeting with PPD at the police station and five members of the Supervisory Committee Nabire together with PPD. Then, the conversation at that time, Chairman of the Commission never forced to make a statement that the PPD KPU logistics experience barriers to their villages. Similarly, on March 22. At that time, I say things like that, it is against the code of ethics. I do not take action because at that time Chairman of the Election Commission had declared the two institutions, "he explained.
According Palfianus, the incident continued until March 25. On that day, continued Palfianus, Respondent gave a receipt of logistics, but logistics are not necessarily submitted to the PPD. He continued his new on March 26, the Respondent submitted to the PPD and PPD directly separate the logistics. "PPD is also an additional check on the logistics. And then, PPD has been informing the community about the delivery of logistics to every village. However, Respondent continued to hold until the next day, precisely at 7 am, the Respondent announced the postponement of the schedule. Schedule delays that are invitation only, and directly determine the 2nd of April as the day of the vote again, "he explained.
Palfianus continued presence of inter head of village agreement with the Respondent. It happened on March 26, 2012. "Logistics reach the villages, chiefs chaired the meeting together. And they had agreed on March 26, while burning rocks. Six chiefs gathered in the capital district, and they agreed. They immediately set the pair number 1 get as much as 7060 votes. Pair number 2 get as many as eight votes and candidate number 3 get 28 votes. According to the agreement, logistics to be loaded directly in BAP. They write as agreed, "he explained.
Palfianus testimony that the Respondent expressed intention District PSU delay is justified by the Applicant witness, Moses. "In accordance with the Court interlocutory injunction we received dated January 17, we wait for the schedule of the Commission. Schedule came out onMarch 27. Commission issued a delay time. We also recapitulate villages as agreed on 26and submit to the PPS and KPPS, PPD recapitulate and bring to the Commission. And, the Commission did not read the recap of each candidate, "he explained.
The trial was adjourned until Monday, May 21, 2012 at 14:00 pm. The trial is scheduled to hear the Applicant and the Respondent’s witness and attestation of written evidence.(Lulu Anjarsari / mh/
Wednesday, May 16, 2012 | 10:54 WIB 116