
Case Subject: Judicial Review of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2004 regarding Regional Government against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Lalu Ranggalawe
  • Decision: Granted Partly
  • Date: July 23, 2007

Case Subject: Judicial Review of the Indonesian Criminal Code against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Dr. R. Panji Utomo
  • Decision: PARTLY GRANTED
  • Date: July 17, 2007

Case Subject: judicial review of Article 77A of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 Year 2004 on the Amendment to Law Number 23 Year 1999 regarding Bank Indonesia against Article 23B and Article 23D of the Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesi

  • Petition: Koperasi Proyek Ruang Hidup 100 Juta Generasi Muda (Koperasi Proyek ?RH-100-GM?) yang diwakili : D. Sjafri, Desi Natalia, S.Sos., Andi Yuliani, S.H., Tay Meyer, S.H., Farah Diba, S.H.
  • Decision: DENIED
  • Date: May 29, 2007

Case Subject: Judicial Review of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 18 Year 2006 regarding the State Revenues and Expenditures Budget Year 2007 against the 1945 Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Pengurus Besar PGRI; Santi Suprihatin; Abdul Rosid; Sumarni; Zulkifli.
  • Decision: GRANTED
  • Date: May 1, 2007

Case Subject: Judicial Review of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 32 Year 2002 regarding Broadcasting against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Anggota Komisi Penyiaran Indonesia (KPI)
  • Decision: DENIED
  • Date: April 17, 2007

Case Subject: Dispute on the Authority of State Institutions, the authorities of which are granted by the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: KOMISI PENYIARAN INDONESIA, yang dalam hal ini diwakili oleh Dr. S. Sinansari Ecip; Sasa Djuarsa Sendjaja, Ph.D; Dr. H. Andrik Purwasito, D.E.A; Dr. Ilya Revianti Sunarwinadi; Dr. Ade Armando, MS; Amelia Hezkasari Day, SS; Bimo Nugroho Sekundatmo, SE, M.S
  • Decision: DENIED
  • Date: April 17, 2007

Case Subject: Judicial Review of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 39 Year 2004 regarding the Placement and Protection of Indonesian Migrant Workers (State Gazette of the Republic of Indonesia Year 2004 Number 133 and Supplement to the State Gazette of the Re

  • Petition: Jamilah Tun Saidah, Nuryanih, Siti Munawaroh, Rohmawati, Daniati, Esti Suryani, Martina Septi Mayasari, Deniyati, Sumiyati
  • Decision: REJECTED
  • Date: April 12, 2007

Case Subject: Dispute on the Authorities of State Institutions whose Authorities are Granted by the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Drs. S. Pelima, selaku Ketua DPRD Poso, H. Abdul Munim Liputo, selaku Wakil DPRD Poso, Herry M. Sarumpaet, selaku Wakil Ketua DPRD Poso
  • Decision: DENIED
  • Date: March 12, 2007

Case Subject: Judicial Review of Article 55 of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 5 Year 1986, as amended by the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 9 Year 2004 on the State Administrative Court against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of

  • Petition: Drs. H. Endo Suhendo
  • Decision: DENIED
  • Date: March 12, 2007

Case Subject: Judicial Review of the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 regarding Teachers and Lecturers (hereinafter referred to as the Teachers and Lecturers Law) against the 1945 Constitution of the State of the Republic of Indonesia

  • Petition: Fathul Hadie Utsman; DR. Abd. Halim Suebahar, M.A.; DR. H. Abd. Kholiq Syafaat, M.A.; DR. M. Hadi Purnomo, MPd.; Dra. Sumilatun, M.M.; Dra. Hamandah, M.Hum.; Drs. Zainal Fanani; Dra. Makmulah Harun, M.Pd.I; Sanusi Afand1, S.H. M.M.; Dra. Nurul Qomariyah,
  • Decision: REJECTED
  • Date: February 22, 2007