The ruling hearing for case No. 188/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 on the 2024 Fakfak regent election results dispute, Wednesday (2/5/2025). Photo by MKRI.
JAKARTA, MKRI - The Constitutional Court (MK) ruled Case No. 188/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 filed by Candidate Pair Number 1 Untung Tamsil and Yohana Dina Hindom inadmissible. The Court stated that the Petitioners’ petition regarding the dispute over the 2024 Fakfak regent election results was unclear or vague (obscuur libel).
“On the petition’s subject matter, [the Court] declares the petition inadmissible,” said Chief Justice Suhartoyo alongside the other eight constitutional justices at a ruling hearing on Wednesday, February 5, 2025.
Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra said that the Petitioners’ petition did not fulfill the formal requirements of the petition so there was no doubt for the Court to declare the Petitioners’ petition unclear or vague. For this reason, the petition’s subject matter as well as the response by the General Elections Commission (KPU) as Respondent, the statement of the Relevant Party and Bawaslu (Elections Supervisory Body) were not considered further because they were irrelevant.
“The petition did not fulfill the formal requirements, therefore there was no doubt for the Court to declare the petition unclear or vague,” Justice Saldi said.
Also read:
Tamsil-Yohana Allege Violations at 40 Polling Stations in Fakfak
Samaun-Donatus: Petitioners’ Witnesses Signed Vote Acquisition Results in 40 Polling Stations
Fakfak regent-vice regent candidates 01 Untung Tamsil and Yohana Dina Hindom alleged violations and fraud in 40 polling stations, resulting in 13,197 invalid votes. They argued that this number of votes significantly impacted the vote acquisition for Candidate Pair 1 as the Petitioners.
Based on the vote acquisition determined by the Fakfak KPU as the Respondent, Candidate Pair 01 Untung Tamsil-Yohana Dina Hindom received 20,818 votes, while Candidate Pair 02 Samaun Dahlan-Donatus Nimbitkendik received 24,775 votes. Candidate Pair 02 (Relevant Party) won 3,957 more votes than Candidate Pair 01 (Petitioners).
In their petitums, the Petitioners requested the Court to declare the Fakfak KPU Decree No. 2831 on the certification of the Fakfak regent election vote count recapitulation dated December 6, 2024, null and void and not legally binding concerning the vote acquisition at the polling stations across 6 districts, 6 villages, and 40 polling stations. The Petitioners also requested the Court to order the Fakfak KPU to conduct a revote at these polling stations and appoint new KPPS chairperson and members, as well as PPK chairperson and members at the polling stations where the revote was to be carried out.
Author : Mimi Kartika.
Editor : N. Rosi.
Translator : Dinita Aktivia/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL) (RA)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Wednesday, February 05, 2025 | 11:18 WIB 16