Court Declares 2024 Gorontalo Mayor Election Dispute Petition Inadmissible

The ruling hearing for case No. 40/PHPU.WAKO-XXIII/2025 on the 2024 Gorontalo regent election results dispute, Tuesday (2/4/2025). Photo by MKRI/Ifa.

JAKARTA, MKRI - The Constitutional Court declared the petition regarding the 2024 Gorontalo mayor election results dispute filed by Ryan Fahrichsan Kono and Charles Budi Doku is inadmissible, on Tuesday, February 4, 2025. The Decree of Case No. 40/PHPU.WAKO-XXIII/2025 was pronounced by nine Constitutional Justices led by Chief Justice Suhartoyo.

“ [The Court] Declaring that the petition of the Petitioners is inadmissible,” stated Chief Justice Suhartoyo.

In the legal considerations delivered by Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat, it is stated that the requirement to be able to submit a request for a dispute over the 2024 Gorontalo mayor election result is a difference of 2% vote count obtained between the Petitioners and the winning candidate, therefore to file the petition in the 2024 Gorontalo mayor election the Petitioners must not exceed 2 percent of the total valid votes certified by the Gorontalo KPU, which amount of 2% times105,799 votes (total valid votes) equal to 2,116 votes.

“The vote acquisition of the Petitioners is 24,904 votes, the vote acquisition of Relevant Party is 39,696 votes, so the margin in vote acquisition between the Petitioners and the Relevant Party is 39,696 votes minus 24,904 votes equal to 14,792 votes (13.98%) or more than 2,116 votes,” Chief Justice Arief explained in the hearing.

Therefore, based on the legal considerations above, the Court holds that although the Petitioners were a candidate pair for Mayor and Deputy Mayor of Gorontalo City in 2024, they do not meet the requirements for filing a petition as stipulated in Article 158 paragraph (2) letter a of Law 10/2016. Consequently, the exceptions raised by the Respondent and the Relevant Parties regarding the Petitioners' lack of legal standing are legally well-founded.

Also read:

Adhan Dambea’s Gorontalo Mayor Candidacy Challenged

Gorontalo City Bawaslu Finds No Violations in Adhan Dambea's Candidacy

Previously, Ryan Fahrichsan Kono-Charles Budi Doku Candidate Number 4 as The Petitioners highlighted the candidacy status of Adhan Dambea, Candidate Number 3, who in the 2013 candidacy was dismissed by the Gorontalo City KPU due to a lawsuit from another candidate pair. The lawsuit was related to the candidate's requirements, specifically to Adhan Dambea's education documents, Adhan Dambea only included an elementary school graduation certificate (SKT) but did not have an elementary school diploma as the document for the election requirement. The issue of the existence of an elementary school certificate that does not include a Certificate of Completion of Elementary School has already been filed at the Manado State Administrative Court in 2013.(*)

Author          : Utami Argawati
Editor           : Fitri Yuliana
PR               : Tiara Agustina
Translator     : Dinita Aktivia/FS

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025 | 13:00 WIB 5