Arguments Unclear, Petition on Labuhanbatu Election Dismissed

The ruling hearing for Case No. 59/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 on the Labuhanbatu regent election results dispute chaired by Chief Justice Suhartoyo, Tuesday (2/4/2025). Photo by MKRI/Teguh.

JAKARTA (MKRI) – The Constitutional Court (MK) dismissed the petition filed by Candidate Pair 03 Hendri Syahputra Daulay and Ellya Rosa Siregar. The decision for Case No. 59/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 on the Labuhanbatu regent election results dispute was delivered by Chief Justice Suhartoyo alongside the other eight constitutional justices at the ruling hearing on Tuesday, February 4, 2025 in the plenary courtroom.

In the considerations presented by Constitutional Justice Arsul Sani, the Court stated that the Petitioners’ petition had failed to meet the formal requirements. As a result, the Court had no hesitation in declaring the petition unclear and vague (obscuur).

Furthermore, Justice Arsul stated, since the Court deemed the Petitioners’ petition vague, the other exceptions, including the Respondent’s response, statement by the Relevant Party, statement by Bawaslu (Elections Supervisory Body), and the petition’s subject matter, were not considered further.

“Other arguments and matters were not considered further as they were deemed irrelevant,” stated Justice Arsul.

Also read:

Hendri-Rosa Allege Double Voting and Involvement of Officials in Labuhanbatu Regent Election

Labuhanbatu KPU Denies Hendri-Rosa’s Claim on Double Voting

At the preliminary hearing, the Petitioners argued that the victory of Candidate Pair 02 Maya Hasmita and Jamri (Maya-Jamri) in the 2024 Labuhanbatu regent election was attributed to double voting and the involvement of government officials. They mentioned that the Petitioners’ witnesses had submitted a petition to the district election committee (PPK) during the district-level vote recapitulation to obtain the DPTb (additional final voter list) data. However, the PPK (district election committee) did not provide the data because, at the KPPS (polling station working committee), the witnesses who were present did not fill out the objection or special incident forms. The same issue occurred during the recapitulation at the district level conducted by the Elections Commission (KPU) of Labuhanbatu Regency.

Furthermore, the Petitioners alleged that district heads in Labuhanbatu had encouraged village heads to campaign for Maya-Jamri. The district heads allegedly involved included those from Rantau Utara, Rantau Selatan, Panai Hilir, Bilah Barat, and Bilah Hulu.

Author              : Ahmad Sulthon Zainawi
Editor                : N. Rosi
Translator         : Nazila Rikhusshuba/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, February 04, 2025 | 23:36 WIB 2