District and Village Heads Partiality Triggers Sarolangun Regency Election Dispute

Legal counsel Rizal Fahlevi testifying at the preliminary hearing for Case No. 77/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 before Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra and Constitutional Justices Ridwan Mansyur and Arsul Sani, Tuesday (1/14/2025). Photo by MKRI/Teguh.

JAKARTA (MKRI) Candidate Pair 03 Tontawi Jauhari-A. Harris Ab claimed that district and village heads had shown partiality during the 2024 Sarolangun Regency election. It was said to have influenced the vote count, ultimately favoring Candidate Pair 05 Hurmin-Gerry Trisatwika (the Relevant Party).

The Petitioners’ legal counsel Riza Fahlevi delivered the petition at the preliminary hearing for Case No. 77/PHPU.BUP-XXIII/2025 concerning the 2024 Sarolangun Regency election results dispute, presided over by Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra (panel chair) and Constitutional Justices Ridwan Mansyur and Arsul Sani on Tuesday, January 14, 2025.

“The village heads offered residents to vote for Candidate Pair 05 to gain direct cash assistance (BLT) and join the family hope program (PKH),” said Reza.

Reza explained that the mobilization of village heads was carried out in intimidating ways. It was proven by the actions of the head of Seko Besar Village, who crossed out residents who did not vote for Candidate Pair 05 from the list of BLT and PKH recipients.

The Petitioners also alleged six district heads in Sarolangun Regency had supported the Relevant Party: Pauh, Sarolangun, Bathin VIII, East Mandiangin, Madiangin, and Air Hitam.

Reza argued that the partiality of the district and village head was a form of structured, systematic, and massive (TSM) violation as it happened throughout the entire chain of command from the top to the bottom, and massively happened in six districts or more than half of villages.

Therefore, the Petitioners requested the Court to annul the Sarolangun Regency KPU Decree concerning the 2024 Sarolangun Regency election results and to order the Sarolangun Regency KPU to do a revote in all administrative areas in Sarolangun Regency without involving Candidate Pair 05. They also requested the Court to disqualify Candidate Pair 05 from the revote.

Author            : Ahmad Sulthon Zainawi
Editor             : Lulu Anjarsari P.
PR                 : Fauzan Febriyan
Translators     : Syifa Amelia/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025 | 10:33 WIB 32