Rum-Mutmainnah Suspect Thousands of Double Voters in Bima Mayoral Election

The Petitioner legal counsel, Ardany Zulfiqar testifying in the preliminary hearing of the mayoral election result dispute for the case No. 41/PHPU.WAKO-XXIII/2025 in panel 2 courtroom chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra with panel members Justices Ridwan Mansyur and Arsul Sani, Thursday, (1/9/2025). Photo by MKRI/Teguh

JAKARTA (MKRI) — the Bima mayor-vice mayor candidate pair 02 Mohammad Rum and Mutmainnah filed a petition the Court, requesting the annulment of the Bima General Election Commission (KPU) Decree 465 of 2024 on the certification of the Bima mayoral election result. The Petitioner—in case No. 41/PHPU.WAKO-XXIII/2025—argued that they found 38,224 double voters in the final voters list (DPT) based on similarity of name, sex, and age.

“Based on our findings, there are 38,224 double voters. When we categorized [the data] based on the same name, sex, age, and birthplace, we found 4,833 identical double voters,” explained the Petitioner’s legal counsel, Pangeran in the preliminary hearing of the Bima mayoral election dispute, Thursday, January 09, 2025, Jakarta. Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra chaired the hearing with panel members Justices Ridwan Mansyur and Enny Nurbaningsih in panel 2 courtroom.

The Petitioner suspected that these double voters cast multiple votes based on the Petitioner’s findings, which occurred in 21 polling stations throughout Bima City. The Petitioner found the indication of such voters in different polling stations in Bima village/sub district based on the report notification form.

The Petitioner continued, despite the names listed as double voters, they are unaware that their names were duplicated or used to vote. To trace such double voters, the Petitioner examined the C-form attendance list. However, because of limited access and difficulty from the Respondent, the Petitioner was not able to collect all attendance lists.

Based on the tracing of the C-Attendance-KWK form, the Petitioner found the double voters casted their votes to 21 polling stations in three subdistricts, namely West Rasanae, Asakota, and Mpunda. For instance, a voter by the name of Ibrahim voted and signed the attendance list at two polling stations, namely polling stations 03 of Matakando and 02 of Sambinae.

Despite using different signatures, double voters appear on the attendance list which can serve as evidence. The Petitioner alleged that the Respondent allowed such voters to gain votes for a certain candidate pair.

In addition, the Bima City Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) has found 1,608 unknown voters, which they order Bima City KPU to label these names, to decrease the risk of voter data misuse. However, Bima City KPU did not implement Bawaslu's recommendation.

As such, in the petition, the Petitioner requests the Court to cancel the Bima City KPU Decree No. 465 of 2024, and to order Bima City KPU to conduct a revote in 21 polling stations. For information, KPU certified the vote result for Bima mayor-vice mayor election, namely 49,032; 46,078; and 1,016 votes for candidate pairs 01, 02, and 03, respectively.

Author           : Mimi Kartika
Editor            : N. Rosi
Translator      : Ryan Alfian / FS (RA)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.



Thursday, January 09, 2025 | 23:46 WIB 20