Support for the MKMK: Inauguration of the MKMK Secretariat

Secretary-General Heru Setiawan inaugurated the Ethics Council Secretariat for 2025, Tuesday (1/7/2025). Photo by MKRI/Bayu.

JAKARTA (MKRI) — Secretary-General Heru Setiawan officially inaugurated the Constitutional Court Ethics Council (MKMK) for 2025 on Tuesday, January 7, 2025, at the Court's second hall. The newly inaugurated MKMK Secretariat consists of 24 members, led by Secretariat Chair Fajar Laksono, who also serves as the Head of the Legal and Registrar Administration Bureau. Their appointment is based on Secretary-General Decree Number 479.1 of 2024 regarding the MKMK Secretariat for 2025.

During the event, MKMK Secretariat members took their oath according to their religious beliefs, guided by the Secretary-General. As mandated by Article 7(1) of Constitutional Court Regulation Number 1 of 2023 on the Ethics Council of the Constitutional Court, the Secretariat is tasked with assisting the MKMK's work and is directly accountable to the Secretary-General.

In his remarks, Secretary-General Heru Setiawan emphasized the importance of the MKMK Secretariat performing its duties with integrity, professionalism, and accountability. He also stressed the need for strong management and mutual support among team members.

Heru stated, "Everything must be interconnected, forming a system that supports the MKMK. This support should be felt by the MKMK and extend beyond."

Additionally, Heru expressed his hope for establishing procedural laws to enhance the Secretariat's administrative operations and ensure greater transparency and accountability. For example, he highlighted that MKMK rulings, one of the council's key outputs, should be easily accessible to the public upon publication.

"We all truly experience the impact once the ruling is uploaded. Perhaps fundamental procedural aspects in this first term, in handling cases and ethics, can be better appreciated by the public," he added.

Heru reminded the Secretariat members to uphold the dignity of the Constitutional Court, given the ethical nature of their responsibilities. He urged them to maintain exemplary behavior within and outside the Court environment.

"Protect your families, your office, and ourselves to ensure the Court earns trust and maintains its dignity," Heru said.

The formation of the MKMK Secretariat aims to support the MKMK members, who were inaugurated on Thursday, January 2, 2024, based on Chief Justice Decree Number 6 of 2024. These members, led by Chairperson I Dewa Gede Palguna and supported by two members, Ridwan Mansyur and Yuliandri, will serve from January 2 to December 31, 2025.

Below is the structure of the newly inaugurated MKMK Secretariat:

Chairman: Fajar Laksono
Secretary: Yossy Adriva and Ina Zuchriyah
Bidang Substansi: Anna Triningsih, Bisariyadi, Irfan Nur Rachman, and M. Lutfi Chakim
Administration and Minutation Division: Romi Sundara, Siswantana Putri Rachmatika, Puguh Apriyanto
Registration and Bailiff Division: Rimas Kautsar, Mohammad Chamid Zuhri, and Faizal Fajar Insani
Hearing Division: Mutia Fria Darsini, Grenata Petra Claudia Hutagalung, and Ganggas Wibisono
Bidang Protokoler: Yuniar Pramudiyarsi and Dewi Pratiwi
Information and Communications Technology Division: Sri Haryanti and Agung Wisnu Laksono
Finance Division: Kukuh Panggah Waluya
Facilities and Infrastructure Division: Kin Isura Ginting, Achmad Junaedi, and Billy Barlian.

Author            : Ashri Fadilla
Editor             : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translators     : Yuanna Sisilia (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, January 07, 2025 | 13:15 WIB 99