UIN Walisongo Journal Holds Comparative Study Constitution Journal

The Visit from UIN Walisongo in the context of a journal comparative study, Thursday (11/7/2024). Photo by MKRI/Hamdi

JAKARTA (MKRI) - The Constitutional Court (MK) welcomed a visit from UIN Walisongo in the context of a journal comparative study, on Thursday (11/7/2024) at the MK Building II Library. The visit was welcomed directly by Jefriyanto as Head of the MK Case Research and Study Division, and Olfiziana Tri Hastuti as Head of the Administration Subdivision of the Case Research and Study Center, and Library Management as well as the coordinators of the Constitutional Journal, namely Abdul Basid Fuadi, Sharfina Sabila and Adam Ilyas.

During the meeting, Abdul Basid Fuadi said that the Constitution Journal had been published along with the age of the Constitutional Court, to be precise since 2004. "The Constitution Journal has established itself as a quarterly scientific media that is published in 4 numbers per volume, namely in March, June, September and December," said Fuad .

Since 2015, continued Fuad, the Constitution Journal has developed management based on an open journal system through www.jurnalkontansi.mkri.id. According to Fuad, the Constitution Journal has succeeded in attracting the interest of researchers, both from within and outside the country, who are interested in exploring various topics surrounding the constitution and state administration in Indonesia. The issues raised in this journal include theoretical to applicable studies regarding judicial review, general elections and disputes over election results, decentralization and regional autonomy, human rights, and the role of the Constitutional Court in maintaining the constitutionality of the law.

Fuad said, the Constitution Journal also acts as a bridge that connects constitutional judiciary institutions with academic circles and the wider community, strengthening public understanding of the importance of the constitution in state life. The Constitution Journal has succeeded in maintaining its academic quality and has even been accredited by SINTA (Science and Technology Index) as a highly ranked journal in Indonesia.

Apart from print publication, the Constitution Journal is also published digitally to provide easy access for readers from various backgrounds. The presence of this digital platform is in line with the Constitutional Court's commitment to promoting information transparency and making it easier for the public to access quality academic literature in the field of constitutional law. With this publication, it is hoped that more critical and innovative thinking will emerge to support the development of constitutional law in Indonesia, as well as strengthen the position of the Constitutional Court as the guardian of the constitution and protector of the constitutional rights of citizens.

He explained that in managing journals, there are a number of challenges that need to be faced. These challenges include fulfilling post-accreditation obligations, maintaining manuscript quality, ensuring the substance of the manuscript matches the journal's focus, as well as preventing plagiarism through tools such as Grammarly and Plagiarism Checker. Apart from that, other issues of concern are duplication, replication, repeated publication (salami slicing), timeliness of publication, and management based on the Open Journal System (OJS). All of this requires support from human resource who are highly committed to maintaining the quality of accredited journals.

Author            : Utami Argawati
Editor            : N. Rosi
Translator       : Donny Yuniarto (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Thursday, November 07, 2024 | 15:50 WIB 34