Constitutional Court Rotates Staff to Improve Performance Outcomes

Inauguration and Oath-Taking of Constitutional Court Civil Servants, Tuesday (01/10) at the Constitutional Court Building. Photo by MKRI/Ifa.

JAKARTA, MKRI Public Relations – The Constitutional Court (MK) conducted appointments and transfers of Civil Servants (PNS) to Primary High Leadership, Administrator, and Supervisor positions. A total of 20 employees were entrusted with new positions.

This is stated in the Excerpt of the Secretary-General of the Constitutional Court’s Decision Number 359 of 2024 concerning the Appointment and Transfer of Civil Servants to Primary High Leadership, Administrator, and Supervisor Positions within the Registrar and Secretariat General of MK. Before assuming their new roles, the employees were sworn in at a ceremony on Tuesday (01/10/2024) in the Auditorium of MK Building 1, Central Jakarta, led by MK Secretary-General Heru Setiawan.

"I trust that you will carry out your duties to the best of your abilities, in line with the responsibilities entrusted to you," said Heru.

Heru read the oath, which was then repeated by the newly appointed employees. They collectively pledged to uphold integrity, discipline, dedication, and professionalism, to avoid abuse of authority, and to abstain from improper conduct.

Following the oath-taking, Chief Justice Suhartoyo delivered his remarks. He emphasized that the MK Secretary-General, as the personnel supervisor, must understand the condition of the staff and work units at MK, so that promotions and transfers of employees are conducted professionally.

"Selecting individuals who are truly suited to be placed according to their capabilities," Suhartoyo said.

He noted that these rotations are intended to refresh and enhance organizational achievements in MK’s upcoming projections. Suhartoyo hopes that employees will better understand the duties and functions of each work unit to achieve MK’s vision, mission, and goals effectively and efficiently, while also improving individual performance.

Among those newly appointed are: Budi Wijayanto as Head of the General Bureau; Kurniasih Panti Rahayu as Head of the Center for Case Research and Study and Library Management; Mundiri as Head of the Center for Pancasila and Constitutional Education; Nanang Subekti as Head of the Center for Information and Communication Technology; Pan Mohamad Faiz Kusuma W as Head of Public Relations and Protocol Bureau; Sigit Purnomo as Inspector; Jefriyanto as Head of Case Research and Study Division; Johan Yustisianto as Head of Leadership Secretariat and Protocol Division; Budi Hari Wibowo as Head of Information Systems and Data Services Division; Mastiur Afrilidiany Pasaribu as Head of General Division; Santhy Kustrihardiani as Head of Program and Implementation Division; Annisa Lestari as Head of Organization and Governance Subdivision; Ardhiansyah Salim as Head of Accounting and State-Owned Goods Reporting Subdivision; Dewi Hastuti as Head of Inspectorate Secretariat Subdivision; Hasri Puspita Ainun as Head of Foreign Cooperation Subdivision; Intan Yuri Susanti as Head of Leadership Secretariat Subdivision; Kin Isura Ginting as Head of Registrar Secretariat Subdivision; Medi Kurniadi as Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Subdivision; Mutia Fria Darsini as Head of Trial Technical Services Subdivision; and Santi Widiastuti as Head of Program and Evaluation Subdivision.(*)

Author          : Mimi Kartika
Editor           : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator     : Agusweka Poltak Siregar (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, October 01, 2024 | 16:22 WIB 17