Improving ASN’s Integrity Through Implementation of Ber-Akhlak Values

BKN’s associate HR analyst Henni Qurratul Aini (left) shared knowledge on “BerAKHLAK” core values, Tuesday (9/24/2024). Photo by MKRI/Fauzan.

JAKARTA (MKRI) – The Constitutional Court (MK) held a workshop on "Sharing Knowledge on Ber-AKHLAK ASN" at the 4th floor of the MK Building, on Tuesday (09/24). The event, which gathered 204 participants, aimed to internalize the core values of civil servants (ASN) to support bureaucratic reform and foster professional, integrity-driven, and service-oriented ASNs. In addition to knowledge sharing, participants also completed surveys to measure their understanding and application of the ASN Ber-AKHLAK Core Values within the Registrar's Office and the General Secretariat of the Constitutional Court.

Henni Qurratul Aini, a Senior Human Resource Analyst from the National Civil Service Agency, was the keynote speaker. In her presentation, Henni emphasized the importance of organizational culture in shaping employee behavior.

“Organizational culture refers more to the daily work habits and practices we cultivate in the workplace, so that the positive values we expect can be achieved for the success of the organization,” Henni explained.

She also stressed that organizational culture is not just about values believed to be true, but it requires changes in behavior and mindset. Individual and group behavior should be based on the Ber-AKHLAK values, becoming habitual in daily life. The hope is that ASN employees will become collaborative, competent, and exhibit integrity in their daily activities.

“We are promoting Ber-AKHLAK, so that it can be applied in daily life and work. How employees should be collaborative, how they should be competent. That’s what we hope to achieve—not just adopting Ber-AKHLAK as a slogan, but driving actual behavioral and mindset changes,” she added.

To strengthen the work culture based on the Core Values of Ber-AKHLAK, several key stages have been designed to build professionalism, integrity, and optimal service among ASNs. This process consists of six main stages, involving value internalization, system alignment, performance measurement, and continuous reward and reinforcement.

The first stage is Internalization, which begins with the kick-off or launch of the Ber-AKHLAK Core Values, followed by strengthening leadership commitment, as well as socialization and internalization of these values to all employees. This step aims to ensure that every ASN has a solid understanding of the values they must uphold in carrying out their duties.

The next stage is System Alignment, where the Ber-AKHLAK work culture is incorporated into an integrated learning system. Additionally, this culture is tied to the Performance Management System (SPK), which is aligned with reward systems, talent management, and career development, creating a more transparent and measurable work environment.

The third stage is Baseline Measurement, which involves measuring the Ber-AKHLAK Index, Employee Engagement, and ASN Employer Branding. Socializing the survey results is an important part of providing insight into how well the Ber-AKHLAK work culture has been internalized and understood by all ASN employees.

The fourth stage is the Preparation and Implementation of a Change Agenda, where a roadmap and action plans are developed, and a Work Culture Team or Change Agents are formed. This team is responsible for overseeing the socialization and implementation of the Ber-AKHLAK culture in the daily lives of ASNs.

Monitoring and Evaluation form the critical fifth stage. At this stage, periodic communication forums are held by the Work Culture Team to evaluate the measurement of the Ber-AKHLAK Index, Employee Engagement, and ASN Employer Branding. Reporting on the socialization, internalization, and activation of the Ber-AKHLAK culture is also part of this evaluation process.

The final stage is Reward and Appreciation, where achievements related to the Ber-AKHLAK culture are rewarded. Strengthening this work culture is an ongoing process that must continue to be developed and refined in response to the challenges and changes faced by ASNs.

Through this initiative, it is hoped that ASN employees at the Constitutional Court will increasingly embrace and apply the Ber-AKHLAK Core Values as part of the effort to create a better and more accountable government.

Author          : Fauzan Febriyan
Editor           : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator     : Agusweka Poltak Siregar (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, September 24, 2024 | 14:24 WIB 33