Secretary General Delivers the AACC’s Secretariat 2023-2024 Report

Secretary General of the Constitutional Court and the Head of AACC’s Permanent Secretariat for Planning and Coordination, Heru Setiawan, delivering a report of the secretariat during the 6th Congress of the AACC organized by the Constitutional Court of Thailand. Photo by MKRI.

Bangkok, MKRI – The Constitutional Court of Indonesia, as Permanent Secretariat of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) for Planning and Coordination, delivered an annual report for the period of June 2023 – August 2024 during the 6th Congress of the AACC, organized by the Constitutional Court of Thailand in Bangkok. The report was conveyed to the Board of Members Meeting, the highest decision-making body of the association. Secretary General of the Constitutional Court and the Head of the AACC’s Permanent Secretariat for Planning and Coordination, Heru Setiawan, started the report by informing that the permanent secretariat is a part of the organizational structure of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia through the decision of the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform. Accordingly, Heru invited members of the AACC to visit the Secretariat office in Jakarta.

During the meeting attended by fifteen members of the AACC, Heru reported that the obligation to compile the AACC’s Statute under one comprehensive document has been completed and is available in English and Russian. Furthermore, Heru also conveyed that on June 23, 2024, a meeting was held between the Secretariat of the AACC and the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA) to discuss the preparation of the second congress of AACC-CCJA.

“During the meeting, there was one country, Angola, that was most likely willing to host the Second Congress of the AACC-CCJA, which is planned to be held in 2025,” Heru said.

In his report, Heru mentioned the release of Volume 4 of the AACC’s Newsletter in June 2024. This newsletter summarizes the activities of the AACC members and includes a special section, “update from Africa,” as a follow-up to the cooperation between the AACC and CCJA.

Regarding additional members of the Association, Heru invited all members to approach their neighbors to join the AACC. “The approach may be in the form of exchange information and decisions, including institutional capacity development training. To support the approach, the AACC Secretariat has provided a proposal handbook for the AACC’s open membership, which is available on the AACC’s website,” Heru explained during the meeting that took place in Hotel Atheene, Bangkok, Thailand.

After the report from the Indonesian Constitutional Court, the Republic of Korea as the Secretariat for Research and Development, and the Turkish Constitutional Court as the Center for Training, also delivered reports which were conveyed by their respective Secretaries-General, Kim Jung Won and Murat Azakli.

The Constitutional Court of Thailand, as the president of the AACC, hosted the Board of Members Meeting of the AACC in 2024. The Meeting was presided over by the Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court of Thailand, Prof. Naktarin Mekthairat, and Justice Nopadhon Tephitak. Reports from all secretariats were accepted during the meeting.

Author: Paul/NL.

Editor: N. Rosi.

Translator: Rizky Kurnia Chaesario (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Saturday, September 21, 2024 | 15:50 WIB 162