Court Visits Constitutional Court of Algeria to Continue Cooperation

Constitutional Justice Arsul Sani leading the MKRI delegation to Algeria on Saturday-Wednesday (2024/6/22-26). Photo by Indonesian Embassy in Algeria.

ALGIERS (MKRI) — Constitutional Justice Arsul Sani made an official visit to the Embassy of the Republic of Indonesia (KBRI) for Algeria on Saturday-Wednesday, June 22-26, 2024 in response to an invitation by the Constitutional Court of Algeria to follow up on a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Indonesia (MKRI) and the Algerian counterpart, which had been renewed in 2023.

Starting the visit, the MKRI delegation held a coordination meeting with the Indonesian Embassy in Algeria on Saturday, June 22, at the Wisma Duta in Algiers. Justice Arsul began the meeting by sharing his experience in resolving the presidential and legislative election results disputes in 2024. He added that at the end of 2024, the MKRI will also rule over disputes over the results of simultaneous regional head election.

At the meeting, which was attended by 30 Indonesian diaspora, Justice Arsul also explained that the MKRI and the Constitutional Court of Algeria have a strong cooperative relationship because they have similar roles and positions, i.e. the MKRI serving as a permanent secretariat of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) while the Algerian counterpart serving as the permanent secretary of the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdictions of Africa (CCJA).

“This meeting is expected to further strengthen cooperation between the two judicial institutions in the future, as well as sharing experiences related to upholding the Constitution and protecting human rights,” Justice Arsul said. 

Responding to this, the Indonesian ambassador for Algeria Chalief Akbar Tjandraningrat expressed his hope that the meeting would help strengthen the relationship between Indonesia and Algeria.

A relaxed and familial atmosphere was evident during the interactive dialogue. Justice Arsul also had the opportunity to convey his experience as an Indonesian diaspora and in enforcing the principles of democratic rule of law before being elected as a constitutional justice.

In a series of official visits in Algeria, the MKRI delegation was scheduled to hold bilateral meetings with the president of the Constitutional Court of Algeria, the chief justice of the Supreme Court of Algeria, and the president of the Council of State. The delegation arrived in Algeria on Friday, June 21. They were greeted by the Indonesian ambassador for Algeria Chalief Akbar Tjandraningrat, Justice Mesbah Menas of the Constitutional Court of Algeria, and Secretary-General Attaf Said of the Constitutional Court of Algerian.

Author              : Rima, Reza, Winda, Aditya (NL)
Editor               : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translators       : M. Ariva Aswin Bahar/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Sunday, June 23, 2024 | 19:41 WIB 194