KPU Clarifies No Revote at TPS 002 Tanjung Peranap

The Respondent’s legal counsel Aulia Nugraha Sutra Ashary delivering a statement at a follow-up hearing on dispute over the 2024 legislative election of Riau Province, Tuesday (5/7/2024) on Panel 1. Photo by MKRI/Ifa.

JAKARTA (MKRI)The General Elections Commission (KPU) stated that there would be no revote at TPS (polling station) 002 in Tanjung Peranap Village, West Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict, Meranti Islands Regency, Riau Province due to merely administrative errors, said legal counsel Aulia Nugraha Sutra Ashary on behalf of the KPU at a hearing of the 2024 election results dispute of the DPR (House of Representatives), Provincial and Regency/City DPRD (Regional Legislative Council) of Riau Province held by the Constitutional Court (MK) on Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in the plenary courtroom.

At the hearing for case No. 225-01-01-04/PHPU.DPR.DPRD-XXI/2024, the Respondent noted that the West Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict election supervisory committee (Panwaslu) had recommended a revote at TPS 002 in Tanjung Peranap Village. This recommendation, detailed in letter No. 007/PP.03.02/K.RA-10-04/02/2024 dated February 20, 2024, was based on findings from investigation No. 001/Reg/TM/PP/Kec.TebingTinggiBarat/04.12/11/224 dated February 20, 2024.

“Following the West Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict election supervisory committee’s (Panwascam) recommendation, the Respondent issued the Meranti Islands KPU Decree No. 350 of 2024 on February 22, 2024, deciding against a revote at TPS 002 in Tanjung Peranap Village, West Tebing Tinggi Subdistrict, Meranti Islands Regency for the 2024 election,” said Aulia.

Aulia stated that the decision not to conduct a revote at TPS 002 in Tanjung Peranap Village was made during the KPU Meranti Islands’ plenary meeting, as documented in the Minutes No. 232/PL.01.8-BA/1410/2024. This meeting also confirmed that a written sanction was issued to the polling station working committee (KPPS) at TPS 002.

Besides the Election Law and the KPU Regulation No. 25 of 2023, the legal basis for the Respondent not to conduct the revote as recommended by the West Tebing Tinggi Panwascam was due to a Circular Letter from Bawaslu (Elections Supervisory Body) No.  21 of 2024 on the standardization of perception on issues during voting and vote counting at polling stations in the 2024 election.

As such, it was appropriate for the Respondent to decide against a revote at TPS 002 of Tanjung Peranap Village based on Meranti Islands Bawaslu’s recommendation. Consequently, the Respondent requests the Court to dismiss the entire petition and validate the vote count for Meranti Islands Regency’s electoral district 4 according to the KPU Decree No. 360 of 2024. Additionally, Bawaslu, represented by Syamsurizal, responded to the Petitioner’s allegation of administrative violations by election organizers at said polling station, including issuing ballots to additional voter (DPTb) by the name of Sri Suharmi Ningsih, as she voted in a different electoral district from her actual residence. She should have only received a ballot for the presidential election, but not for the DPR and provincial and regency DPRD.

However, since the organizers also issued her a ballot for the Meranti Islands Regency DRPD, Bawaslu addressed this issue by stating that the West Tebing Tinggi Panwascam had conducted an investigation and documented the findings in the model A supervision form (LHP) No. 031/LHP/PM.01.02/02/2024, dated February 19, 2024.

At the same hearing, the National Mandate Party (PAN) as a Relevant Party, represented by legal counsel Ramdhany Tri Saputra, highlighted the Petitioner’s claim of administrative violations by election organizers. These violations include the improper issuance of ballots to additional voters, specifically Sri Suharmi Ningsih, at TPS 002 in Tanjung Peranap Village.

“This finding has been processed by Meranti Islands Regency Bawaslu and it has issued a recommendation letter No. 007/PP.03.02/K.RA-10-04/02/2024 dated February 20, 2024 stating that a revote should be conducted,” said Ramdhany.

Therefore, in the petitum, the Relevant Party requests that the Court declare the Petitioner’s petition unclear, thus the Court should not accept the Petitioner’s petition as it has already been addressed by the competent authority according to election laws.

Author         : Utami Argawati
Editor          : Lulu Anjarsari P.
PR              : Andhini S.F.
Translator    : Dzaki Difa Al Hadiid, Yuniar W.

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, May 07, 2024 | 15:46 WIB 93