Golkar Candidate Challenges Southwest Papua Election Results, Alleging Vote Manipulation

The Petitioner accompanied by the legal counsel attended the hearing of Case No. 38-02-04-38/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024 on the Election Results Dispute of Members of the House of Representatives (DPR), Regional Representatives Council (DPD), Provincial Regional Legislative Council (DPRD Provinsi), and Regency/City Regional Legislative Councils (DPRD Kabupaten/Kota) for the 2024 Election on Tuesday (4/30/2024). MKRI/Bayu.

JAKARTA (MKRI) – The Constitutional Court (MK) held a preliminary hearing for the Election Results Dispute (PHPU) of the South West Papua Provincial Legislative Council (DPRD Provinsi Papua Barat Daya) in the Electoral District (Dapil) of South West Papua Barat Daya 6, Case No. 38-02-04-38/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024, in Panel 3 Courtroom on Tuesday morning (4/30/2024). The hearing was presided over by the Constitutional Justices Arief Hidayat, Justice Anwar Usman, and Enny Nurbaningsih.

The Petitioner in this case identified as Jois Kambu, candidate no. 1 for the DPRD Provinsi Papua Barat Daya from the the Party of Functional Groups (Golkar) in Dapil South West Papua Barat Daya 6. Legal counsel Muhammad Alberto Soniwura argued the occurrence of vote inflation for another Candidate from the Petitioner's affiliate party, identified as Ortis Fernando Sagrim.

The petitioner disclosed that Ortis Fernando Sagrim should have only acquired 4,320 votes, but the Respondent (General Election Commission (KPU)) stipulated it as 4,794 votes. Meanwhile, the Petitioner, who should have acquired 4,342 votes, was only stipulated at 4,106 votes by the Respondent.

"The accurate number of votes according to the Petitioner is 4,320 for Ortis Fernando Sagrim, whereas the Respondent believes it is supposed to be 4,794 votes. As for the Petitioner, it should have been 4,342, but the Respondent only set it at 4,106 votes," said Muhammad Alberto Soniwura.

The petitioner alleges deliberate manipulation by election organizers through increasing Ortis Fernando Sagrim's votes by 474, identified as the Golkar Candidate no. 4. Consequently, Ortis Fernando Sagrim obtained more votes than the Petitioner, with a margin of 688 votes. The addition of votes for candidate no. 4 is suspected to have been acquired by reducing the votes for the Golkar and other candidates within the party.

"Based on the Petitioner's data, his votes were reduced by 236, and Ortis Fernando Sagrim's were increased by 474," disclosed Muhammad Alberto Soniwura.

In accordance with the arguments presented, the Petitioner requests the Court to grant all requests which to annul KPU’s Decree No. 360 of 2024 and stipulate the vote count result for the Petitioner as deemed accurate by the Petitioner.

Author     : Adam Ilyas
Editor      : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator : Naomi Andrea Zebua (RA)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, April 30, 2024 | 18:14 WIB 119