Legal counsel Jimmi Yansen conveying the petition’s subject matter at a hearing for the 2024 legislative election results dispute of Riau Province, Monday (4/29/2024). Photo by MKRI/Ifa.
JAKARTA (MKRI) — The United Indonesia Party (Perindo) has filed a petition on the 2024 legislative election results dispute to the Constitutional Court (MK). The hearing for case No. 198-01-16-04/PHPU.DPR-DPRD-XXII/2024 took place on Monday, April 29, 2024, with Chief Justice Suhartoyo (panel chair) and Constitutional Justices Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh and M. Guntur Hamzah presiding.
In the preliminary hearing on Monday, April 29, 2024, legal counsel Jimmi Yansen explained that based on the letter of submission of the research results and examination of the Balai Jaya Subdistrict Elections Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) to the Head of the Balai Jaya Subdistrict Election Committee (PPK), Balai Jaya Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir Regency, Riau on February 24, 2024, it was declared that a special incident had occurred, namely that when the recapitulation took place there was a discrepancy in the number of Voting Rights Users between the types of Regency DPRD elections. Then the party conducted C-Results research. For the Regency DPRD, there are four voting rights users based on the attendance list who did not receive ballots, where the number of voting rights users should be 154 votes and 150 valid and invalid votes.
"On February 25, 2024, Rokan Hilir Regency Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) delivered Letter Number 102/PM.00.02/K.RA-08/02/2024 which is important regarding Notification of Submission of Research and Inspection Results of Panwaslu Balai Jaya District at polling stations (TPS) Number 006 Penghuluan Pasir Putih North Balai Jaya Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir Regency during the Subdistrict Level Recapitulation to the Chairman of the Rokan Hilir Regency General Elections Commission (KPU) who basically stated that based on the results of the Research and Examination of the Panwaslu of Balai Jaya Subdistrict on February 24, 2024 at TPS 006 Pasir Putih Utara Village, Balai Jaya District, Regency "Rokan Hilir, Bawaslu of Rokan Hilir Regency hereby informs the KPU of Rokan Hilir Regency to follow up on the results of the sub-district Panwaslu's research and inspection regarding the circumstances that caused the voting at TPS 006 to be repeated in accordance with the provisions of the applicable laws and regulations," explained by Jimmi.
Apart from that, based on the final voters list (DPT) for the 2024 Election at TPS 006 in Riau Province, Rokan Hilir Regency, Balai Jaya Subdistrict, Pasir Putih Utara Village is 157. So based on Model C. Results number of DPT at TPS Number 006 North Pasir Putih Village, Balai Jaya Subdistrict, Rokan Hilir Regency is 157, the number of voting rights users in the DPT is 119, the number of users in the Special Voters List (DPK) is 38, but the total number of valid votes and invalid votes is 150. Based on the special voter attendance list for TPS 006, the total number of DPK voters present was 35.
Based on the evidence, there has been vote manipulation such as the addition of the use of voting rights by 38 votes. However, based on the Special Voter Attendance List, the TPS 006 DPK was 35, then there were 38 TPS 006 DPK members who did not use their voting rights.
Based on these facts, Perindo’s Witness raised an objection regarding the revoke recommendation at TPS 006 by the Balai Jaya District Panwascam which was not implemented by the Rokan Hilir Regency KPU as notified by the Rokan Hilir Regency Bawaslu.
"If the revoke is implemented at TPS 006, Balai Jaya District, Pasir Putih Utara Village, where the DPT TPS 006 Model A-Kabko Voter List totaling 157 will be able to use their voting rights correctly, apart from that there will be user manipulation "The DPK's voting rights of 38 votes certainly greatly influenced the Petitioner's vote acquisition to fill the seat as a member of the Rokan Hilir Regency DPRD, Rokan Hilir Electoral District 4," stressed by him.
Thus, the Petitioner asked the Constitutional Court to cancel the Respondent's vote acquisition and order the Respondent to carry out the revoke as stated in the petition. (*)
Author : Utami Argawati
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari P.
PR : Andhini S.F.
Translator : Jessica Rivena Meilania
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Monday, April 29, 2024 | 18:17 WIB 148