Twenty-three of MK’s employees passed the Performance Audit Training, Friday (2/22024). Photo by MKRI
JAKARTA (MKRI) — Twenty-three of MK’s employees complete a Performance Audit Education and Training series with exceptional results. Based on the evaluation and attendance requirements, the State Financial Audit Training Agency Financial Audit Agency (PKN BPK) announced that all participants passed and were awarded a Performance Audit Certificate.
“We congratulate all twenty-three participants from MK who, praise to God, passed the training with exceptional evaluation results,” the Head of PKN BPK, Suwarni Dyah Setyaningsih, said in her remarks during the closing of the Performance Audit Training, Friday (2/2/2024).
Suwarni said participants had learned about performance audits from the planning stage, implementation, until reporting. According to her, performance audits have a distinctive characteristic that separates them from other types of audits because this audit is intended for improvement to various issues.
Suwarni also explained that a performance audit has a direct reporting nature; the auditor is responsible for deciding the main issue and audit criteria, including examining the main issue toward the type of audit. The audit result is presented as findings, conclusion, and recommendation.
“We wish the knowledge you acquire can be implemented, useful, and beneficial to the organization's goals,” Suwarni said.
She also wished that synergy between MK and PKN BPK could be sustained in the future and positively impact the human resources capacity of both institutions. The Performance Audit Training was held for four days online on 30-31 January and offline on 1-2 February at the PKN BPK Building, Kalibata, South Jakarta.
According to Suwarni, the joint training with MK is unique because it was done virtually and on-site, which has never been done before. During closing, Suwarni was accompanied by the Head of the Planning Center and Training Organizer of PKN BKN, Dali Mulkana, and senior trainer of the Training Agency of PKN BPK Nilai Eka Putri and Senior Auditor AKN III BPK Dadang Sukma, who acted as trainers/facilitators during the Performance Audit Training.
Meanwhile, MK’s Inspector, Kurniasih Panti Rahayu, said that the knowledge gained during the training would be implemented and practiced. She wished to organize more training to improve the competence of employees.
“We acknowledge the benefit that will be implemented in our daily tasks,” Ayu said.
She thanked the Training Agency of the PKN BPK for organizing the Performance Audit Training. She also expressed apology should there be any mistakes during the training.
The training was not only participated in by auditors but also employees from several units in MK’s Registrar’s Office and Secretariat-General. They are Kurniasih Panti Rahayu, Dhita Cantika Megatania, Dian Dwi Hapsoro, Melati Kusuma Wardani, Muhammad Rizki, Surya Murni Pangesti Lestari, Dwi Poesvitasari, M. Fadhel Fahrul Rozi Z., Dillon Davin Zebadiah, Wijang Ardi Rahmadi, Andi Siti Chadidjah Baso, Elin Asrofah Qibtiah, Rimas Kautsar, Arinta Sulistiyo Eko Prabowo, Achmad Dodi Haryadi, Purwanto, Olfiziana Tri Hastuti, Sri Haryanti, Siska Yuniza, Amelia Desy Ratna Yuwita, Mochamad Arafah, Kin Isura Ginting, and Mutia Fria Darsini.
Author : Mimi Kartika
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator : Rizky Kurnia Chaesario (NL)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Friday, February 02, 2024 | 18:40 WIB 178