Chief Justice Suhartoyo giving a speech and opening a book launch and talkshow, Wednesday (11/22/2023) at the auditorium of the National Library. Photo by MKRI/Panji.
JAKARTA (MKRI) — The Constitutional Court (MK) in collaboration with the National Library (Perpusnas) held a launching of 34 books and a constitution literacy talk show on Wednesday, November 22, 2023. The event took place both online and offline at the auditorium of the National Library. Chief Justice Suhartoyo, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra, Constitutional Justices Manahan M.P. Sitompul and Daniel Yusmic P. Foekh, Secretary-General Heru Setiawan, Chief Registrar Muhiddin, first Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court Jimly Assiddiqie, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of 2001-2008 Bagir Manan, head of the National Library Syarif Bando, Andalas University professor Yuliandri, Universitas Indonesia professor Fitra Arsil, structural and functional officials of the Constitutional Court, and other guests were in attendance.
“The expression of ideas in the form of books is a constitutional mandate to enlighten the nation. Therefore, the publication of books as references is part of our collective effort to enlighten the nation,” said Chief Justice Suhartoyo in his remarks at the event, which has been an annual agenda of the Constitutional Court since 2019.
After giving a speech, Chief Justice Suhartoyo signed a large canvas containing 34 book titles published in 2023. He then witnessed Secretary-General Heru Setiawan and the head of National Library Syarif Bando signing an MoU on behalf of the two institutions. Afterward, the constitutional justices and retired justice who published books symbolically received a print of their work from Chief Justice Suhartoyo.
Transforming Legal Language
In his keynote speech, Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra stated that writing should be practiced every day. The final products of the justices are decisions, so it is very appropriate for justices and the Court’s employees to start writing the results of their work. However, he continued, the oral tradition hinders the development of the culture of writing in many aspects of life.
“Writing needs to be done continuously. In this context, the Constitutional Court staff are compelled to write as legal professionals who must transform oral language into written form that can be understood by non-legal individuals. Therefore, the importance of writings that emerge from the judicial environment is not only to transfer legal language in a decision but also as a means for writers to express other aspects of legal developments that can be conveyed to society,” he emphasized.
Building Civilization
Head of the National Library Syarif Bando said he was honored that an academic culture event of the judiciary could be held at the National Library. “Today we are building civilization and legal institutions, so hopefully this review book event will reach the public and ultimately contribute to legal consciousness and good legal practice,” he said.
Institutional Cooperation
In addition, in his event report, Secretary-General of the Constitutional Court Heru Setiawan conveyed that the Constitutional Court has published 150 books in the last five years, both individually and collaboratively by constitutional justices, retired constitutional justices, Constitutional Court employees, and partners. In the event attended by 660 online and offline participants, Heru sincerely hoped that in the future the cooperation between the two institutions would continue to yield concrete evidence of the judiciary’s contribution to popularizing legal language through the culture of writing, thereby impacting the improvement of understanding, legal awareness, and constitutional consciousness among citizens.
Constitutional Literacy
The next session was a talk show on “Constitutional Literacy,” moderated by expert assistant to constitutional justice Anantya Ayu. This session presented legal experts including Professor Yuliandri from Andalas University, Professor Fitra Arsil from Universitas Indonesia, and Liza Farihah from the Indonesian Institute for Independence Judiciary (LeIP).
In his speech, Yuliandri mentioned that the birth of the 34 books by the Court’s staff relates to judicial review, which has become a study in constitutional law and given rise to innovative thinking in society. “It is undeniable that oral language, including customary laws that is the subject of the books published today, demonstrates how oral customs and rules are transformed into written form and how the legal challenges in society are then tested in the Constitutional Court,” he explained.
34 Books in 2023
To encourage the culture of literacy and writing, since 2019 the Constitutional Court has actively published books written by constitutional justices, retired constitutional justices, employees, and partners. Along with several Indonesian law experts, the Court launched 34 books during the event: Kompilasi dan Abstrak Hukum Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi: KUHAP, KUHP, dan Tindak Pidana di Luar KUHP (“Compilation and Legal Abstract of Constitutional Court Decisions: Criminal Procedure Code, Criminal Code, and Crimes outside the Criminal Code”) by Chief Justice Suhartoyo; Courts and Diversity: Twenty Years of the Constitutional Court of Indonesia by Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra, Bertus de Villiers, and Pan Mohamad Faiz; Lembaga Perwakilan (“Representative Institutions”) by Deputy Chief Justice Saldi Isra; Politik Hukum Pancasila (“Political Law of Pancasila”) by Constitutional Justice Daniel Yusmic Pancastaki Foekh, Abdul Ghoffar, and Alboin Pasaribu; Mengawal Demokrasi Konstitusional: Pemikiran Hukum Hakim Konstitusi Manahan M.P. Sitompul (“Guarding Constitutional Democracy: Legal Thoughts by Constitutional Justice Manahan M.P. Sitompul”) by Constitutional Justice Manahan M.P. Sitompul; Ius Curia Novit vs Nemo Judex dalam Pengujian Undang-Undang Mahkamah Konstitusi (“Ius Curia Novit vs Nemo Judex in the Constitutional Court’s Judicial Review”) by Chief Registrar Muhidin; Pancasila dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (“Pancasila in Constitutional Court Decisions”) by Jimly Asshiddiqie, Anna Triningsih, and Achmad Edi Subiyanto; Haluan Konstitusional Bernegara (“State Constitutional Direction”) by Jimly Asshiddiqie; Menemukan Kembali Pembangunan Hukum Nasional (“Rediscovering National Legal Development”) and Hukum Tata Negara: Beberapa Lembaga Negara dan Sistem dalam Pemerintahan (“Constitutional Law: Several State Institutions and Systems in Governance”) by Bagir Manan; and Tindak Pidana Perdagangan Orang (“Human Trafficking Offenses”) by Noor Sidharta.
In addition, constitutional registrars (PASTI) also launched the following books: Asas Nemo Judex dalam Pengujian Undang-Undang (“The Principle of Nemo Judex in Judicial Review of Laws”) by Jefri Porkonanta Tarigan; Menjaga Asa Konstitusi dan Demokrasi (“Safeguarding the Spirit of Constitution and Democracy”) by Hani Adhani; and Model Pemilihan Presiden dalam Sistem Ketatanegaraan (“Presidential Election Models in the Constitutional System”) by Wilma Silalahi. Furthermore, there were also books by expert assistants of constitutional justices (AHLI): Hak Konstitusional Anak dalam Perspektif Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (“Children’s Constitutional Rights in the Perspective of the Constitutional Court Decisions”) by Pan Mohamad Faiz, Anna Triningsih, and Oly Viana Agustine; Hukum Adat I: Konsep, Sejarah, Perkembangan, dan Perlindungannya di Indonesia (“Customary Law I: Concept, History, Development, and Protection in Indonesia”) and Hukum Adat II: Konsep, Teori, dan Penerapan Hukum Adat di Indonesia (“Customary Law II: Concept, Theory, and Application of Customary Law in Indonesia”) by Zaka Firma Aditya, Anna Triningsih, Abdul Basid Fuadi, and Rizkysyabana Yulistyaputri; Lembaga Perwakilan di Berbagai Negara (“Representative Institutions in Various Countries”) by Abdul Ghoffar; Penjelasan UUD 1945 dalam Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi (“The Elucidation to the 1945 Constitution in the Constitutional Court Decisions”) by Irfan Nur Rachman; Sistem Pemilu, Partai Politik, dan Parlemen (“The Election Systems, Political Parties, and Parliament”) by M. Lutfi Chakim; Hak Asasi Penyandang Disabilitas (“The Human Rights of Persons with Disabilities”) by Rima Yuwana Yustikaningrum and Syamsuddin Noer; Hak Konstitusional dan HAM (“Constitutional Rights and Human Rights”) by Bisariyadi; Desain Pemilu Serentak di Indonesia (“Simultaneous Election Designs in Indonesia”) and E-voting dalam Pemilu di Indonesia (“e-Voting in Indonesian Elections”) by Abdul Basid Fuadi; Arbitrase dan Perlindungan Konsumen (“Arbitration and Consumer Protection”) by Rizkysyabana Yulistyaputri; Menjaga Etika Menjamin Kemuliaan: Dinamika Penegakan Kode Etik Hakim di Mahkamah Konstitusi dan Mahkamah Agung (“Upholding Ethics Ensures Dignity: The Dynamics of the Enforcement of Justices’ Code of Ethics in the Constitutional Court and Supreme Court”) by M. Reza Winata; Hak Politik dan Hak Pilih: Perlindungan Melalui Peradilan Konstitusional (“Political Rights and Voting Rights: Protection Through the Constitutional Court”) by Oly Viana Agustine and Muhammad Reza Winata; and Perbandingan Hukum Antara Disiplin Ilmu dan Metodelogi (“Comparative Law: Discipline and Methodologies”) by Ananthia Ayu.
This year, not only ASLI and PASTI, Court employees with various backgrounds from various units also participated in publishing: Politik Hukum Kewarganegaraan Ganda (“The Politics of Dual Citizenship Law”) by Suryo Gilang Romadlon; Tata Kelola Keuangan: Hubungan Keuangan Pemerintah Pusat dan Daerah (“Financial Governance: Central and Local Governments’ Financial Relations”) by Syamsuddin Noer; Public Interest Advocacy: Kedudukan Hukum dalam Memperjuangkan Hak Konstitusional Warga Negara (“Public Interest Advocacy: Legal Standing in Fighting for the Citizens’ Constitutional Rights”) by Arshinta Fitri Diyani; Kontrol Yudisial Kekuasaan Pemerintahan (“Judicial Control of Government Power”) by M. Doni Ramdhani; Model Good Court Governance di Mahkamah Konstitusi (“The Models of Good Court Governance in the Constitutional Court”) by Andi Hakim; Big Data: Tantangan, Ancaman, dan Peluang (“Big Data: Challenges, Threats, and Opportunities”) by Ardiansyah Salim; Peninjauan Kembali dalam Hukum Acara Pidana di Indonesia (“Judicial Review in Indonesian Criminal Procedure”) and Hukum Acara Pidana: Dari Penyelidikan hingga Eksekusi Putusan (“Criminal Procedure: From Investigation to Execution of Judgment”) by Adam Ilyas.
Author : Sri Pujianti
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Najwa Afifah Lukman/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Wednesday, November 22, 2023 | 19:54 WIB 177