Ministry of Home Affairs’ visit to benchmark Court’s talent management, Wednesday (6/14/2023). Photo by Humas MK/Ilham W.M.
JAKARTA (MKRI) — The Constitutional Court (MK) welcomed the Ministry of Home Affairs for a benchmarking visits of the Court’s talent management at the meeting room on the eleventh floor of the main building on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. Head of the Human Resources and Organization Bureau Teguh Wahyudi, head of the Center for Information and Communication Technology Sigit Purnomo, head of the Human Resources Development Division Andi Hakim, and other staff members were also in attendance.
The Home Ministry’s delegation was head of Career Development Aji Fauji Farsa, head of Competency Assessment and Position Structuring M. Laksmana, intermediate HR assessor Alisa Mawarni Sangadji, junior policy analyst Zulkarnaen, career development analyst Fitri Slagai, and junior computer technician Lufita Febriana.
In his speech, head of the Human Resources and Organization Bureau Teguh Wahyudi said that since 2021 the Court has implemented structural approach on the talent management system. “Hopefully this component is able to give the best contribution. However, there are things the Court must learn on this configuration. Although we are a model, we are currently learning to become better,” he said.
Head of the Center for Information and Communication Technology Sigit Purnomo also believes that the Court might even able to learn from the Home Ministry. He also said that the Court’s talent management application is continuously being developed. “There are many improvements on this application,” he said.
Learning Together
Head of Career Development Aji Fauji Farsa said his delegation visited the Court to learn about its talent management. “We are aware that we’re still developing out implementation. [Civil Service Commission (KASN)] asked us to learn the practice from the Constitutional Court,” he explained. He also expressed appreciation for the Court’s warm welcome.
Implementation of Talent Management System
Meanwhile, head of the Human Resources Development Division Andi Hakim said the Court has a system that categorizes civil servants (PNS) and PPNPN (non-civil servant government employees) and facilitate access to all Court employees.
He said the Human Resources Department has full access to the employees’ competencies and performance levels. He also said that managing this system takes patience as mutual agreements are needed, thus total transparency.
The Court’s individual career planning can be seen through position clusters, which are categorized into the judicial administration system (JAS) and the general administration system (GAS). There are 17 critical positions and 26 non-critical positions in the Court.
The Court’s individual development planning can be seen through gaps in their competencies or using the top-down and bottom-up methods. Individual development is then monitored through the employee talent management information system (Simantap) application.
Talent Management is an inseparable part of the commitment of the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court to implementing meritocracy that supports transparent and accountable succession and career development. Staff members with high qualifications, competencies, and performances are necessary in realizing the Court’s vision, mission, and strategy.
Talent Management is an integrated series of placement and HR development for meritocracy that is designed to motivate productivity through talent mapping using the nine-box values. It serves to ensure that the state civil apparatuses in the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court is conducted in an integrated and planned manner by taking into account their characteristics, passions, and potential as well as the institution’s needs; that potential human resources are available; that there are transparent and accountable successions in order to realize the Court’s vision and mission.
Author : Utami Argawati
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Wednesday, June 14, 2023 | 15:39 WIB 71