Chief Justice Reveals Key to Election Dispute Resolution’s Success

Chief Justice Anwar Usman and Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan inaugurating a mini courtroom smart board at the Law Faculty of Kadiri Islamic University, Friday (5/12/2023) in Kediri, East Java Province. Photo by MKRI/M. Nur.

(MKRI) — Chief Justice Anwar Usman inaugurated a mini courtroom smart board at the Law Faculty of Kadiri Islamic University (FH Uniska) on Friday, May 12, 2023. The event was in conjunction with a national seminar on “The Resolution of Election Results Disputes to Realize Electoral Justice” with Saivol Firdaus (Director of Uniska’s Center for Democracy and Constitution) and Purnomo Satriyo Pringgodigdo (Coordinator of Law and Information Data Division of East Java Bawaslu) as speakers.

In his keynote speech, Chief Justice Anwar Usman said that the key to the success of the resolution of general and regional election results disputes not only lies with the Constitutional Court, but also to the litigating parties. This is because since the petition is filed until the hearings take place, the Court must listen to all parties who give testimonies of evidence of alleged violations in order to reach justice.

“Therefore, the Court first hold workshops at the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center in Cisarua, Bogor for all parties, such as political parties and election organizers. The Court along with constitutional justices, as mandated by Article 24 of the 1945 Constitution, must enforce law and justice for the resolution of election results disputes for justice seekers,” he said at the hall of the E building of Uniska Kediri, East Java Province before Uniska rector Bambang Yulianto, chairman of Bina Cendikia Muslim Pancasila Foundation (YBCMP) of Uniska Anwar Iskandar, and acting secretary-general Heru Setiawan.

Mini Courtroom Smart Board

Meanwhile, in his report, Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan said that the Court had signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Uniska on June 24, 2022. He hoped that the inauguration of the smart board would compel the university to form a video conference management, consisting of person-in-charge for daily operation, two operators, and security. He explained that the media could be used for teaching. It is equipped with internet, which is fully funded by the Court.

“Through this device, Uniska will join 64 other high education institutions in improving the understanding of the public and Uniska’s academic community of Pancasila, the Constitution, and the Constitutional Court. Aside from being able to facilitate remote hearings, hopefully Uniska will be able to hold seminars and discussion for that purpose,” Heru said.

Author       : Sri Pujianti
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Friday, May 12, 2023 | 21:56 WIB 186