Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah speaking at a national seminar on “The Constitutional Court and Its Strategic Role in Improving the State”, Saturday (3/18/2023) at UIN Alauddin, Makassar. Photo by MKRI/Agung Sumarna.
Saturday, March 18, 2023 | 15:30 WIB
(MKRI) — All activities in the Constitutional Court (MK) are open to public. Such transparency might be viewed positively and negatively, especially concerning the Court’s decisions, which some agree while others not. That said, transparency allows everyone to have their own judgment. The public may stand with the Court or against it; it is not an issue. Still, such transparency is important for the judiciary.
The statement was made by Constitutional Justice M. Guntur Hamzah at a national seminar on “The Constitutional Court and Its Strategic Role in Improving the State” on Saturday, March 18, 2023. The event was organized by the Court in collaboration with UIN (State Islamic University) Alauddin Makassar at the Prof. Muin Salim Lecture Theater. Vice Rector III for Student Affairs Darussalam, Vice Dean III M. Saleh Ridwan attended the seminar, while DPR (House of Representatives) member Supriansa delivered a speech alongside moderator Head of Law Study Program Rahman Syamsudin.
In his speech on “The Constitutional Court, Technology, and Improving the Quality of the State,” Guntur quoted English legal philosopher Jeremy Bentham: “Publicity is the very soul of justice. It is the keenest spur to exertion and the surest of all guards against improbity.” This means that transparency is the key to a judicial institution, which is reached by good governance with law as its main pillar, Guntur said.
Guntur said that the Court, established in 2003, has surpassed the indicators of good governance. By gifting smartboard mini courtrooms to higher education institutions across Indonesia, it has opened access to justice to all people. This, Guntur added, is in line with the Government’s program in digital transformation.
“Any students who feel that any norm in any law is not in line with the Constitution and wish to file a petition to the Court can use [the smartboard] to connect more easily to the Court. This effort serves to help the Court be close to higher education institutions. Anyone from this region who wishes to be an expert or witness in any case petitioned to the Court can give their testimony [according to] their expertise. So, this facility can be utilized optimally,” he said alongside Head of the Public Relations and National Affairs Department Fajar Laksono, expert assistants to constitutional justice Helmi Kasim and Irfan Nur Rachman.
Author : Sri Pujianti
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Saturday, March 18, 2023 | 15:30 WIB 138