Court Holds Audience with Supreme Court on Archive Digitization

An audience with the Supreme Court on the management of case files in the Constitutional Court, Monday (3/13/2023) at the Constitutional Court’s main building. Photo by MKRI/Ilham W.M.

JAKARTA (MKRI) — The Supreme Court (MA) had an audience with the Constitutional Court (MK) on case file management in the Constitutional Court on Monday, March 13, 2023 at the meeting room in the Court’s main building.

Rosfiana (coordinator of researchers, head of the equipment bureau of the administrative affairs agency), Muhammad Sumitro (head of the center for the assessment and development of archival systems of the National Archives), Angel Firstia Kresna (judicial judge for the Supreme Court registrar), Budi Wantoro (head of archive removal in the administration section of the Supreme Court’s administrative affairs agency), Henny Marlyna (lecturer at the Law Faculty of Universitas Indonesia), Antonius Adhi Irianto (head of the administration section, bureau of equipment, administrative affairs agency of the Supreme Court), Anisa Dwi Yunianti (archivist at the Supreme Court’s administrative affairs agency) and Yulia Kusumawardani (administrative analyst, administration subsection, research and development and legal and judicial education and training agency) were welcome by deputy registrar III Ida Ria Tambunan, acting head of the Pancasila and Constitution Education Center Elisabeth, head of the Planning and Finance Bureau Tatang Garjito, head of the Center for Information and Communication Technology Sigit Purnomo, and other staff members.

Rosfiana said the visit was aimed to obtain data and information on the case file management in the Constitutional Court, the Court’s policies and legal products on it, as well as the Court’s mitigation on case file issues.

In response, deputy registrar III Ida Ria Tambunan explained the SIMPP, management of case data and files based on SIMPP, e-minutes, and website. The case file minutes, she said, was part of administrative effort to document all records of the case, starting from the petition until the decision

“In practice, the case file minutes are electronic. Most staff members are responsible for the management of ingoing records,” she said.

She added that case file minutes of decided cases are a compilation or original documents, both by the litigants and the Court. The minutes are arranged by documenting all authentic documents since the petition is received until the case is ruled.

Background of Minutes & e-Minutes

Minutes and e-minutes in state institutions, including the Constitutional Court, are managed due to the dynamic function of archive management relating to tasks on information. These activities are generally done manually, but cannot meet the need for information, especially with the increase of the use of ICT in daily life.

“Because, prominent characteristics such as flexibility, speed, accuracy, and its continuously expandable information storage capacity, [e-minutes] are ideal for overcoming various problems associated with manual systems applied to records management, including case file minutes. In connection with this, especially in order to realize access to information related to case minutes, the Court implements e-minutes,” Tambunan explained.

She also said the technical guidelines for the operation of e-minutes serves to assist case file minutation effectively and efficiently and to facilitate e-government. The advantage of using e-minutes, she added, is that it makes it easier to search for case files. In addition, it is also equipped with data processing features that allow information retrieval and digital archives to be carried out quickly and precisely.

“By using e-minutes, some repetitive tasks will be reduced, such as the creation of repetitive, not integrated database, so that staff members can better be utilized for other tasks,” she said.

The e-minutes guidelines will continuously be improved as needed so that it can support a more effective and efficient judicial administration process as well as good governance. 

Constitutional Court Case File Management

Next, associate archivist Kasiman explained that case archives are related to constitutional cases, from application to decision. “The original case files are distributed to the substitute registrars, while copies of the case file are given to the constitutional justices and the softcopy is submitted through SIMPP and e-minutes,” he explained when explaining the distribution of case files.

He also said that e-minutes of case files is carried out from the time the application is registered until the decision is pronounced. Meanwhile, the minutes of case files is carried out after the decision is pronounced, and can be carried out when the case file is received.

He further explained that e-minute of case files must be completed within 3 workdays after the decision is pronounced.

He also explained the flow of case file transfer, where the substitute registrar assisted by the case file administrator submit the minutes to the archives unit through the archivist. Then, the archivist checks the completeness of the file, the substitute registrar and the archivist sign the minute of file transfer. Finally, the archivist monitors and updates the file transfer in e-minutes.

Meanwhile, the management of inactive case archives is carried out by processing case archives, transferring archive media, storing archive data on the server and managing e-minutes. 

Author       : Utami Argawati
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Monday, March 13, 2023 | 14:34 WIB 86