Gerindra members learn how to submit a petition to the court

Substitute registrar Hani Adhani delivering a presentation on drafting an election results dispute petition for Gerindra Party, Wednesday (2/15/2023) at Pancasila and Constitution Education Center, Cisarua, Bogor. Photo by MKRI/Ifa.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023, | 13:58 WIB

BOGOR, HUMAS MKRI – Members of the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) learned the technique of preparing the petition for disputes over general election results (PHPU) from the court. This material was given on the third day of the workshop which took place on Wednesday (15/2/2023) at the Pancasila and Constitutional Education Center, Cisarua, Bogor.

Substitute Registrar Syaiful Anwar became the first resource person to convey that the parties must obtain approval from the party chair person. For the Petitioner, Syaiful explained that it consisted of national political parties and local political parties participating in the General Election as well as individual candidates for DPR & DPRD members in the same local political party/political party who had obtained written approval from the chairperson and general secretary or other names from political parties/political parties.

“The Respondent is the organizer of the election (KPU). Meanwhile, a Related Party is a party that has an interest in a request, for example, a political party or local political parties participating in the General Election and individual candidates for members of the DPR and DPRD in the same political party or local political party who have obtained written approval from the general chairperson and general secretary or other names from the political party or the relevant local political party," explained Syaiful in front of 151 participants.

On this occasion, Syaiful explained several reasons why the Court could not accept a petition. One of them is because the petition is unclear/vague due to several considerations, including the discrepancy between posita and petitum; the argument is not contained in the posita but is in the petitum or vice versa; does not clearly describe the vote counting errors determined by the Respondent and the correct counting results according to the Petitioner (including only including the table of the comparable vote acquisition without any explanation); Petitum is contradictory because it does not provide an alternative. In addition, he continued, the Petitum did not ask for the cancellation of the KPU's decision regarding the recapitulation results only insofar as that was postulated or the Petitum did not ask for the determination of the correct vote according to the Petitioner; and typographical errors (details of vote loss, village name, and sub-district name).

At the following session, the participants practiced how to prepare the petition. The session was guided directly by Hani Adhani, I Made Gede Widya Tanaya Kabinawa, Abdul Ghoffar, and Anna Triningsih in four different classes.

For your information, the Gerindra Party Bimtek activities were held on Monday - Thursday (13-16/2/2023) and attended by 151 participants. The materials of the workshop include: (1) the Constitutional Court and the Dynamics of Handling PHPU Cases at the Constitutional Court; (2) Procedures for Settlement of Disputes on the 2024 General Election Results; (3) Mechanisms, Stages and Activities for Handling Cases for Dispute Settlement on the 2024 General Election Results; (4) Techniques and Practices for Compiling the Petitioner's Application and Compilation of Related Party Statements; (5) Information System for Handling Disputes over the 2024 General Election Results; and (6) Evaluation of the results of the Compilation of the Petitioner's Application and the Compilation of Related Party Statements.

The speakers for the workhshop are included a constitutional justices, Registrar of the Court, Expert assistant for Constitutional Justices, and others. (*)

Author: Lulu Anjarsari P.
Editor: Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator: Azzahra Salsabilla (NL)

Translation uploaded on 2/28/2023 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023 | 13:58 WIB 111