Expert assistant to constitutional justice Helmi Kasim delivering a presentation to students of UIN Kalijaga, Yogyakarta at the Constitutional Court, Monday (2/13/2023). Photo by MKRI/Panji.
JAKARTA, HUMAS MKRI – Parameter hak konstitusional yang dijamin oleh konstitusi sangat penting diketahui oleh warga negara Indonesia termasuk bagi para mahasiswa. Sebab, hal ini menentukan apakah seseorang atau badan hukum tersebut dapat melakukan pengujian undang-undang di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK). Demikian penggalan kutipan paparan yang disampaikan oleh Asisten Ahli Hakim Konstitusi Helmi Kasim ketika menyambut kehadiran mahasiswa UIN Sunan Kalijaga, Yogyakarta di Aula Gedung 1 MK pada Senin (13/2/2023).
JAKARTA, MKRI PR - Understanding the parameters of constitutional rights guaranteed by the constitution is crucial for Indonesian citizens, including students. This is because it determines whether an individual or legal entity can file a judicial review of laws in the Constitutional Court (MK). This was explained by Assistant Expert of Constitutional Judge Helmi Kasim when welcoming UIN Sunan Kalijaga students in the MK Building 1 Hall on Monday (2/13/2023).
Further addressing the law students, Helmi said that if an individual or legal entity does not have legal standing, a petition filed to the court may not be accepted due to its substance may not be further discussed by the MK. Helmi stated that since 2003 until 2023, the MK has had enough experience in carrying out its duties in reviewing laws. There are only two authorities that have not been exercised by the MK, namely the dissolution of political parties and impeachment. Regarding the judicial review, the main thing that must be understood is that there should be no laws that contradict the 1945 Constitution.
“The benchmark for reviewing laws is the 1945 Constitution, so the main gate is the constitutional rights of the petitioner. When we talk about constitutional rights, such things are found in the chapter on human rights, which is often used as a basis for both formal and material review,” said Helmi.
Dissolution of Political Parties
Pada sesi tanya jawab, salah satu mahasiswa menanyakan alasan dan dasar dari dibubarkannya sebuah partai politik. Mengingat partai politik menjadi bagian dari wadah penyaluran aspirasi rakyat. Atas pertanyaan ini, Helmi menjelaskan partai politik berwenang untuk mengisi fungsi sebagai legislator. Di dalamnya terdapat putra-putri terbaik bangsa yang menjadi bagian dari calon pemimpin yang dikader untuk kebutuhan kepemimpinan negara. Oleh karena itu, dasar dan alasan dibubarkannya suatu parpol oleh pemerintah tidak lain adalah ideologi yang diusungnya.
During the question and answer session, one student asked for the reason and basis for dissolving a political party, considering that political parties are part of the forum for channeling people's aspirations. In response, Helmi explained that political parties have the authority to fill the function as legislators. Within it are the best sons and daughters of the nation who are part of the candidates trained for the leadership needs of the state. Therefore, the basis and reason for dissolving a political party by the government is none other than the ideology it carries.
“If its ideology is not in line with the Constitution and Pancasila, then the government is the one who can file a petition. Because if everyone can file a petition to dissolve a political party like judicial review, then there will always be a petition to dissolve political parties. The ideology of a political party must be answered by the state, so the government must be present to examine the ideology of the political party. The crucial point of dissolving a political party is whether its ideology can be proven to contradict Pancasila, which can be seen from the statute of association of the political party in question. For example, even if its ideology is in line with Pancasila, but it is different in practice, then the government proves this inconsistency,” explained Helmi.
Upon receiving the materials and discussing the constitution, the students were taken to the Center for History and Constitution (Puskon) to see firsthand the diorama of Indonesia's constitutional history from past to present. The students were accompanied by MK Librarian Hanindyo to receive various explanations about the parts of the MK legal literacy source that have been converted to digital. (*)
Author : Sri Pujianti
Editor: Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator: Azzahra Salsabilla/Rizky Kurnia Chaesario
Translation uploaded on 2/20/2023 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Monday, February 13, 2023 | 14:31 WIB 153