Acting Secretary-General Heru Setiawan and officials of the Court taking pictures with representatives of the Finance Ministry at the orientation of prospective civil servants Monday (2/13/2023). Photo by MKRI/Ilham W. M.
Monday, February 13, 2023 | 15:50 WIB
JAKARTA, MKRI - Acting Secretary General, Heru Setiawan officially opened the Orientation Week for 15 participants of Prospective Civil Servants (CPNS) from the State College of Accountancy (STAN) on Monday (13/2/2023) in the Hall of Building II MK. The event was attended by the Head of the Bureau of Law and Administrative Registrar Tatang Garjito, the Head of the General Affairs Bureau Elisabeth, the Head of the Center for Research and Case Study and Library Management Kurniasih Panti Rahayu, and the Acting Head of IT Centre Sigit Purnomo, along with a number of the Court’s officials.
In his speech, Heru conveyed three things to CPNS who had just joined the MK. Heru said that the Constitutional Court is a state institution whose authority is listed directly enshrined in the 1945 Constitution. As an actor of judicial power who is the sole final interpreter of the constitution, the Constitutional Court has a role in protecting the purity of constitutional values ( the guardian of the constitution). The implementation of this noble role is a joint effort to realize the ideal of a constitutional democratic state based on Pancasila.
The existence of the Constitutional Court is also intended as a strategic part of restructuring the overall constitutional system in the form of institutionalizing the reform agenda which includes democratization, the rule of law, guarantees for the protection of human rights, and the constitutional rights of citizens. MKRI is the last bastion of law enforcement which corrects the validity and enforceability of law so that it is in line with constitutional values.
Quality of Human Resources
MK is an institution that is very serious about serving the community, especially in terms of bureaucratic reform and excellent service. Currently, the spirit of realizing this excellent service is supported by a digital work culture that is the breath of today's ASN work, explained Heru.
"For this reason, we warmly welcome all prospective Civil servants for the 2022 Fiscal Year as part of the MK family. I wholeheartedly believe that the 15 people in front of me are not random individuals. These 15 young people were the best chosen by STAN to be assigned as MKRI employees. Become an employee who is ready to become a supporting part of "the guardian of the constitution," said Heru.
Apart from that, Heru also explained the work culture and code of ethics for employees at the Constitutional Court. The CPNS MK will carry out its duties in various bureaus in the MK.
"I have hope that all CPNS MK can adapt quickly to existing situations and conditions, absorb everything good and improve what is not good," he said.
He also hopes that later these CPNS can become employees who can plan and determine performance competently, from the first day of work. Then, become an employee who not only understands but also lives up to the code of ethics for MK employees in their daily lives, namely upholding the values of honesty, confidentiality, loyalty to duty, and being able to maintain integrity.
Gen Z
MK optimes the use of information and technological progress (IT advancement) to increase the speed of bureaucracy and services. With the support of various applications that make it easier, work processes and coordination become faster and more focused. Heru hopes that CPNS will be able to adapt quickly to the digital work culture at MK.
Heru also revealed that the Constitutional Court will face a major event that will have an extraordinary impact on the country's democratic life. "We are all aware that this task requires commitment and the best performance from all elements in the Constitutional Court. Not only does it take a lot of energy and responsibility to support matters related to trials, but fast and competent administrative technical support is also very much needed. Because of that, we accept with open arms the joining of 15 CPNS friends from STAN Graduates who will later help strengthen every Bureau in the Constitutional Court," he said.
According to him, all MK CPNS here are the younger generation (Gen Z) who are very familiar with all technological advances and the digital world. The generation that grew up with the digital world (internet of things) around them.
"The transformation from student life to professional ASN has also transformed the status to become one of the faces of MK in society, both in the real world and in the digital world. For this reason, in the future, awareness and caution are needed to always maintain the good name of individuals and institutions, in all areas of life. Of course, I believe from the bottom of my heart that all of you are good individuals and can maintain the good name of MK going forward," said Heru.
Finance Ministry’s Program
Meanwhile, the Head of the Planning and Human Resources Bureau of the Ministry of Finance, Anang Bagus Giarto, in his remarks said that this activity was the starting point for new employees in devoting themselves as State Civil Apparatus (ASN) or public servants.
"We also appreciate the implementation of the CPNS work orientation event at the MK as one of the agencies receiving the PKN STAN allocation. The Ministry of Finance certainly really hopes that the implementation of this activity can be carried out well and attended by all participants," said Anang.
He explained that the Ministry of Finance's Leaders Factory program is one of the strategic initiatives regarding Bureaucratic Reform and Transparency of Financial Institutions. One of the implementations is PKN STAN graduates and other agencies who have hopes and goals that the Ministry of Finance seeks to make its best contribution in improving the quality of management, supervision of state finances and state assets in central and regional agencies through policies on managing state finances and assets and optimizing the role of human resources. with high integrity prioritizing the strengthening of agency synergy. Therefore we congratulate the orientation participants who have passed to become the pillars of the Constitutional Court.
CPNS Recruitment at State College of Accountancy (STAN)
The Head of the Organizational Department of MK, Nor Rosyid Ardani in his report said that in 2022 the MK would not carry out selections for CPNS acceptance, but the MK submitted a request to the Ministry of Finance to assign STAN graduates to work at the MK.
"We need to convey that since 2018 the Constitutional Court has proposed employees and thank God that in 2022 we will receive an allocation of 15 STAN graduates," explained Rosyid in the activity.
CPNS graduates who will join the MK are D3 Accounting graduates and D3 Asset Management graduates who will later be placed in the General Bureau and the Planning and Finance Bureau of the MK.
Work Unit Presentation
In the presentation from each Bureau, the Head of the MK Planning and Finance Bureau, Tatang Garjito said, the MK Planning and Finance Bureau carried out strategic efforts formulated in the vision and mission. The vision of the Planning and Finance Bureau is the implementation of reliable financial planning and management to realize the Constitutional Court as an accountable, transparent, and trusted judicial institution. Meanwhile, the mission is to prepare work plans and budgets for the Constitutional Court that are accurate and reliable and carry out the management and accountability of the Constitutional Court's finances in a careful, transparent, and accountable manner.
Tatang said the Planning and Finance Bureau has work procedures supported by two sections, namely the planning and evaluation section which is in charge of carrying out the preparation of plans, both strategic plans, work programs, and budgets as well as evaluation and preparation of performance reports and the finance section which has the task of carrying out treasury management, verification, accounting and preparation of financial reports.
Then, the Inspectorate work unit represented by Dian Dwi Hapsoro conveyed that the Inspectorate is a work unit under the Secretariat General which has the task of carrying out Internal Oversight and Prevention of Corruption within the Registrar's Office and the Secretariat General of the Constitutional Court. He said the Inspectorate has a vision of "building a superior inspectorate to create a judiciary that is trusted and has integrity". Meanwhile, its mission is to build a comprehensive internal control management system in realizing good governance and upholding zero tolerance for corruption, and building an anti-corruption culture to realize clean governance.
Dian also explained that the Inspectorate has the main task and function to carry out the preparation of technical policies for internal supervision and prevention of corruption; Implementation of internal supervision of performance and finance through audits, reviews, evaluations, monitoring, and other supervisory activities on the implementation of duties and functions of the Registrar's Office and the Secretariat General; Implementation of prevention of corruption and building a system and culture of integrity; Implementation of supervision for certain purposes on the assignment of the Secretary General; Organizing supervision, investigation, clarification, and/or examination of alleged irregularities within the Registrar's Office and the Secretariat General; Compilation of reports on the results of supervision; and Implementation of Inspectorate administration.
As additional information, the Work Orientation activities will last for three days, Monday-Wednesday. During the work orientation, all participants will receive material exposure from several sources from officials within the courts. On the first day, the prospective civil servant received material on Introduction to the Constitutional Court, Introduction to Main Duties and Functions of the Inspectorate, Introduction to Main Duties and Functions of the Planning and Finance Bureau, and Introduction to Main Duties and Functions of the Bureau of Human Resources and Organizations.
Writer : Utami Argawati
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Berlian Febrina Viaraputri (NL)
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Monday, February 13, 2023 | 15:50 WIB 170