Head of the AACC Permanent Secretariat Division R. A. Indah Apriyanti introducing the AACC Permanent Secretariat for Planning and Coordination to five Australian ACICIS interns, Wednesday (1/25/2022). Photo by MKRI/Zahra.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023 | 15:59 WIB
JAKARTA (MKRI) — The Constitutional Court (MK) introduced supporting work units within the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General to five Australian students who are part of the Australian Consortium for ‘In-Country’ Indonesian Studies (ACICIS) on Wednesday, January 25, 2023. At this meeting, the functions and tasks of the Court’s Public Relations and Protocol Bureau were introduced.
Head of the AACC Permanent Secretariat Division R. A. Indah Apriyanti explained the functions and tasks of the Permanent Secretariat of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) for Planning and Coordination (SPC), which includes providing administrative support to AACC and its members, “coordinating activities for human resource development [such as] exchanging human resources, providing scholarships, conducting internships and training.”
Next, international affairs analyst Sherly Octaviana Sari explained that the Court continues expanding its international relations, which is in line with the 1945 Constitution’s mandate of maintaining world peace. The Court is a member of several global associations such as Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC), the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ) formed by the Venice Commission, the Conference of Constitutional Jurisdiction of OIC Member States (CCJ-OIC), and more.
Next, international cooperation analyst Rizky Chaesario said that in order to develop its human resources, the Court also holds recharging programs for employees, such as one that was collaboration with the Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) in November-December 2022. “In October 2022, the Court successfully held the Fifth WCCJ Congress in Bali, with 92 countries and four associations in attendance,” she added.
Also read: Australian Students Learn History of Indonesian Constitution
Next, news analyst Raisa Ayuditha Marsaulina explained the functions and responsibilities of the Public Relations Division, which is responsible for disseminating information to the public through social media platforms, news articles on its website, its monthly magazine, press releases prior to hearings, the “Ngopi Bareng Courtizen” (a meetup with the Constitutional Court’s social media followers), etc. “All of these are aimed at spreading the Court’s activities to the public, so that the public understands the Court’s decisions,” she explained.
Meanwhile, interagency relations analyst Yogi Djatnika introduced the National Affairs Division, which is responsible for initiating and preparing memoranda of understanding between the Court and various institutions and universities. “In addition, we also report on the implementation of the memoranda of understanding that have been made,” he said.
Intern Juwariya Malik from the University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) asked whether the wide scope of the Court’s international relations must be in line with the Indonesian government’s the foreign policy. In response, Rizky Chaesario revealed that every policy and step taken the Court on foreign activities is always consulted with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Writer : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator : Berlian Febrina Viaraputri/Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Translation uploaded on 2/10/2023 20:22 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Wednesday, January 25, 2023 | 15:59 WIB 321