Court Briefs Staff Ahead of 2022 Recharging Program

Briefing for the upcoming recharging program of 2022 for the Court’s staff members, Wednesday (10/26/2022). Photo by MKRI/Bayu.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 13:33 WIB

JAKARTA (MKRI)—The Constitutional Court (MK) is planning for a recharging program for 2022 with the Hague University of Applied Sciences (THUAS) in order to develop its staff members’ capacity. On Wednesday, October 26, 2022, seven staff received briefing on the physical and mental preparations required for the program, the objectives of the program, and the training that they will receive in the Netherlands.

Head of the AACC Permanent Secretariat and International Relations Department Sri Handayani said in her remarks that the recharging program is one of the Court’s ongoing staff development programs to help staff improve their knowledge and gain insights to keep up with current legal developments. To carry out the program, she said, the Court collaborates with international partners with world-class reputation in legal training and education.

“In this program, staff will not only learn theories but also gain insight on cases and law enforcement in various countries both in the classroom and through visits to various institutions abroad,” she said alongside Head of the International Affairs Division Immanuel Bungkulan Binsar Hutasoit.

Handayani added that the participants of this program are substitute registrars, expert assistants for constitutional justices, and staff members who have a degree in law. This year’s participants were selected based on several criteria, including the nine-box value (NBV) in the Court’s talent management application. They were also selected based on their English language skills. This year, 18 candidates were selected against the criteria of English score of 70-80 and NBV score of 66.01-78.18.

Indonesia-Netherlands Collaboration

Next, scholarship coordinator of Nuffic Neso Indonesia Indy Hardono said in her presentation that the shared history between Indonesia and the Netherlands would prove to be beneficial for Indonesians studying in the Netherlands. She also talked briefly about the Nuffic Neso Indonesia scholarship, which was funded by the Dutch government. She also expressed hope that the participants of the recharging program will be able to learn a lot from it and gain more experience.

“The advantages of studying in the Netherlands are that there are many friendly study programs with international themes, the study materials are highly accessible, the lecturers and teaching staff have good English skills, the city is very comfortable, the study is practice-oriented, and the country is very friendly and open to international students,” she revealed.

Sharing Experience

Next, expert assistants for constitutional justices Bisariyadi and Ananthia Ayu Devitasari revealed their experience joining the recharging program in 2017. Bisariyadi said this year’s batch would be better but the participants would face new challenges, which they should be prepared for. He also recalled studying in smaller classes, which was challenging to him. Ayu talked about the learning process and gave advice on the activities the participants would be able to do.

“Recharging participants must be confident for having passed the selection process. Use the opportunity to study and improve your non-academic insights, as you will visit various institutions and participate in cultural programs,” she said.

She expressed hope that the participants would be able to enjoy the program and to learn the Dutch culture and visit places such as museums and libraries.

The recharging program on “The Digital Transformation of Constitutional Adjudication in the Covid-19 Era: Legal and Ethical Dimensions” will take place on October 31 to December 9, 2022. The theme was selected due to COVID-19, which has affected the implementation of the Constitutional Court’s duties and authorities. The program will tackle three key topics: the impacts of digitalization on legal practices, on the standard of ethics of case management, and on the enforcement of human rights.

Writer        : Sri Pujianti
Editor        : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 10/28/2022 14:49 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Wednesday, October 26, 2022 | 13:33 WIB 192