BUMN Retiree Withdraws Petition on Papua Special Autonomy Law

The preliminary hearing of the judicial review of Law No. 2 of 2021 on the Second Amendment to Law No. 21 of 2001 on the Special Autonomy for Papua Province, Wednesday (10/19/2022). Photo by MKRI/Panji.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 | 14:07 WIB

JAKARTA (MKRI)—The Constitutional Court (MK) held a preliminary hearing of the material judicial review of Law No. 2 of 2021 on the Second Amendment to Law No. 21 of 2001 on the Special Autonomy for Papua Province (Papua Special Autonomy Law) on Wednesday, October 19, 2022. The case No. 99/PUU-XX/2022 was filed by BUMN (SOE) retiree Roberth Numberi.

At the hearing presided over by Deputy Chief Justice Aswanto and Constitutional Justices Saldi Isra and Suhartoyo, the Petitioner withdrew the petition, which was confirmed by legal counsel Rafli Fatahudin Syamsuri. The withdrawal request was dated October 6. “Yes, we withdraw the petition,” he affirmed virtually. Deputy Chief Justice Aswanto explained that the request would be reported to the justice deliberation meeting (RPH).

The Petitioner questioned Article 6 paragraph (1) letter b and paragraphs (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6), which states that the 14 members of the Papuan People’s Representatives’ Council (DPRP) are only appointed and inaugurated by a Decree of the Minister of Home Affairs without the need for an election as mandated by Article 22E paragraph (6) of the 1945 Constitution.

This has been and will be detrimental to the Petitioner currently and when he run as a candidate for DPRP member in 2024, because he would follow the election stages and process in accordance with the mandate of the 1945 Constitution. The Papua Special Autonomy Law, he argued, was not only aimed for indigenous Papuans in Papua, but also to those outside Papua. The Petitioners thus requested the Court to declare Law No. 2 of 2021 on the Second Amendment to Law No. 21 of 2001 on the Special Autonomy for Papua Province not legally binding and unconstitutional.

Writer        : Utami Argawati
Editor        : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 10/19/2022 15:04 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Wednesday, October 19, 2022 | 14:07 WIB 309