Majelis Adat Kerajaan Nusantara Members Learn Pancasila Values

Head of the Sub-Directorate for Culture and Society at the Directorate for Social, Culture, and Society, Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence, Attorney General’s Office Andi Suharlis speaking at the constitution awareness program for citizens (PPHKWN) for Majelis Adat Kerajaan Nusantara (MAKN), Tuesday (9/20/2021). Photo by MKRI/Panji.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 | 15:21 WIB

BOGOR (MKRI)—Head of the Sub-Directorate for Culture and Society at the Directorate for Social, Culture, and Society, Deputy Attorney General for Intelligence, Attorney General’s Office Andi Suharlis spoke at a constitution awareness program for citizens (PPHKWN) for Majelis Adat Kerajaan Nusantara (MAKN) on Tuesday morning, September 20, 2022. He talked about “Empowerment of Indigenous Peoples in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.”

Kingdoms were assets and identity to Indonesia; thus, the Attorney General’s Office has a Directorate for Social, Culture, and Society whose tasks relate to culture. “[The directorate] has the duty to preserve Indonesian cultures so that they will be legacy and identity of the nation,” he said.

The Constitution, he said, stipulates that the state must uphold and preserve the cultures of indigenous peoples and their governments, such as kingdoms and sultanates, which are prototypes of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

“In the 1945 Constitution, Article 18 paragraph (2) and Article 28I paragraph (3), it is clearly stated that the state shall acknowledge and respect the traditional law community units and the traditional rights thereof as long as they still survive and comply with the community development and the principles of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia,” he stressed.

Also read: Court Holds PPHKWN for Majelis Adat Kerajaan Nusantara

Next, Deputy for Prevention, Protection, and Deradicalization of the National Counterterrorism Agency (BNPT) Nisan Setiadi delivered a presentation on “Radicalism, Intolerance, and Terrorism in the Perspective of the Constitution.” He said that strategic developments have affected globalization around the world. “Our challenge for 2024 is to make Indonesia advanced, sovereign, and independent,” he said.

He revealed the population composition and the penetration of internet in Indonesia. The internet and the use of social media has grown immensely.

“Today we can sit around at home and order any food to our door. It is different from the past. This is the advancement of social media and the internet, which also poses issues, is subject to pornography, gambling, and radicalization,” he added.

He also said that anyone who spreads terror is a terrorist. Terrorist often spreads terror in the name of religion. “No religion teaches its people to be terrorist or criminals. All religious leaders in our country teaches good, no harm, and respect not only to fellow humans but also to the nature and even to animals,” he said.

Nisan explained that terrorism ideology is an idea or action that is based on violence. “The ideology of terrorism instills anti-Constitution and Pancasila ideology, abuses religious narratives, is intolerant, radical, exclusive, and anti-human. So please uphold the Pancasila ideology because there are currently a lot of terrorists who are trying to undermine the Pancasila ideology and divide the Indonesian people,” he said.

The PPHWKN, with 120 participants in attendance, will take place for four days on Monday-Thursday, September 19-22, 2022 on site at Pusdik. Constitutional Justice Arief Hidayat, law professor of Hasanuddin University Aminuddin Salle, Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah, and other speakers will talk about the implementation of Pancasila values, the role of indigenous peoples in judicial review in the Constitutional Court, the guarantee of constitutional rights, the Constitutional Court’s procedural laws, etc.

Writer        : B. Panji Erawan
Editor        : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 10/31/2022 09:55 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, September 20, 2022 | 15:21 WIB 216