Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah speaking at a workshop on Scopus-indexed legal journal, Friday (8/26/2022). Photo by MKRI/Bayu.
Friday, August 26, 2022 | 21:21 WIB
JAKARTA (MKRI)—In order to build cooperation among managers of Scopus-indexed legal journals, the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Law Faculty of Sebelas Maret University (FH UNS) held a workshop on “The Development of Internationally Reputable Journals” on Friday, August 26, 2022 at the third building of FH UNS. In the limited on-site workshop, which complied strictly with existing health protocol, Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah delivered a keynote speech on “MKRI Improving Journal Performance Toward Reputable Journal.” He was accompanied by Pan Mohamad Faiz, editor-in-chief of the Court’s Constitutional Review Center for Research and Case Analysis and Library Management. FH UNS dean I Gusti Ayu Ketut Rachmi Handayani was also in attendance.
Guntur said to increase the number of internationally reputable legal journals in Indonesia, cooperation and collaboration between institutions is needed to move forward together because the resulting journals will benefit from ideas that correspond to the latest situation. For this reason, the legal field, which is said to be quite lagging behind in terms of the number of internationally indexed journals, has challenges to improve studies of issues that are developing in society and can be investigated further.
In order to write for internationally reputable legal journals, he added, authors must exercise caution when quoting references since such journals require originality, accountability, and low similarity scores.
“The low number of Scopus-indexed legal journals in Indonesia is a challenge for us, who have pride in writing [in nationally and internationally reputable journals]. So, let’s improve the quality of our journals toward Scopus, in line with the Government’s direction of promoting our authors’ pieces internationally. Therefore, the Constitutional Court made efforts through Jurnal Konstitusi (initially) to undergo various processes since 2016 to encourage universities to produce best legal journals that can be referenced by national researchers. So, we should use [this opportunity] to make the Indonesian legal system an international reference. Our country is a laboratory with a unique, universal Pancasila, which we must push to go international and be reference internationally,” he said.
Academic journals are an important indicator of the development of higher education institutions. However, their management is often overlooked. Therefore, the Constitutional Court and FH UNS, whose journals are Scopus-indexed, saw the need to improve cooperation in order to promote legal research products.
Writer : Sri Pujianti
Editor : Nur R.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Translation uploaded on 9/14/2022 14:27 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Friday, August 26, 2022 | 21:21 WIB 149