Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah delivering his report on the thanksgiving of the Constitutional Court’s 19th anniversary, Saturday (8/13/2021). Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.
Saturday, August 13, 2022 | 12:30 WIB
JAKARTA (MKRI)—On its 19th anniversary, as a token of gratitude, the Constitutional Court (MK) held a tasyakuran (thanksgiving event) on-site on Saturday, August 13, 2022 at the hall of Court’s main building. Staff members of the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court attended it virtually.
At the event, Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah said in his remarks that the Court’s anniversary had always been a special moment.
“Anniversaries always bring back precious memories, reminding one the journey that has been made. They are the right moment to contemplate, to review what one has done, what needs to be improved on, to make plans and build hopes for a better future. Confucius said, ‘Study the past if you would define the future,’” he said before constitutional justices, structural and functional officials, and guests.
He said that in its 19 years of service, the Court can be likened to a ship sail through the vast ocean to its final destination with various challenges—against big waves and storms. However, it is not uncommon to find a calm and beautiful sea, with clear air, even rainbow twilight. Event after event happened year after year—fun and outstanding, to energy-draining ones.
“Everything has one meaning: to make us and our beloved institution grow. Today, the Court entered its 19th year. This means, for 19 years we, the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court, have carried out our duties and obligations to provide the best support and services to Their Excellencies Constitutional Court justices in carrying out their constitutional authorities, and to the public, especially those seeking justice, and to all stakeholders. Year to year we strive to provide the best support and services, both internally and externally. We make efforts so that the Court can carry out its constitutional authorities well,” Guntur added.
He added that the Court continuously sought to implement best practices to meet public expectations of access to justice and to provide information about the Court in the public domain. It always strived to make digital transformations in the Judiciary Administration System (JAS) and the General Administration System (GAS), he added.
“The Constitutional Court wishes to continue and realize its initial vision and ideals, especially those initiated by first chief justice, Jimly Asshiddiqie, and former chief justices and constitutional justices, to be able to present trustworthy and modern Constitutional Court that is always keeping up with the times and technological advances,” he said.
He credited many parties, all components of the nation, especially the Court’s staff members, for their support. “Therefore, at this 19th anniversary celebration, [I] would like to thank all staff members of the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court—civil servants, PPNPN [(non-civil servant government employees)], contract/outsourced employees, and personnel from the police force—for their dedication, integrity, discipline, and professionalism so far. Without it all, it’s impossible for [the Court] to stand tall in condition such as today,” he said.
Guntur also expressed appreciation for the Court’s national partners—state institutions, higher education institutions, the Constitution Forum, professional organizations, and others—as well as international partners—members of the Association of Asian Constitutional Courts and Equivalent Institutions (AACC) and the World Conference on Constitutional Justice (WCCJ), higher education institutions that collaborate with the Court, and others. He also thanked the military (TNI) and the Police for their cooperation for the safety and order in the Constitutional Court.
“[I] would also like to thank the general public, especially justice seekers, and all parties who have litigated and are litigating in the Constitutional Court. Thank you for developing and strengthening the trust in the Court’s independence and impartiality,” he stressed.
Role of the Press
Meanwhile, in his remarks, Chief Justice Anwar Usman said the Court gave special attention to the press on this year’s anniversary. He credited the media for having contributed greatly to the Court since its inception.
“At 19, the Constitutional Court is still standing tall thanks to fellow members of the press. The support is... also in terms of supportive criticism. Fellow members of the press also voice the people’s aspirations,” he said.
He asserted that anniversary is a moment for self-reflection, of assessing how one has benefit not only themselves and their family but also the nation and the state.
“On behalf of the constitutional justices, I would like to thank you. Without good cooperation between the Secretariat-Genera and the Registrar’s Office, it would be hard for (the constitutional justices) to perform constitutional duties as mandated by Article 24C paragraphs (1) and (2) of the 1945 Constitution. Happy anniversary, the Constitutional Court. May you keep standing tall amid all challenges,” he said.
Constitution Awards 2022
On its anniversary, the Constitutional Court also expressed appreciation for friends of the Court and the press through the Constitution Awards 2022. They were awarded higher education institutions that manage video conferencing facilities and smart board mini courtrooms, members of the press, journalists, and TV media, for always supporting the Constitutional Court through its news. The following are the awardees for this year’s Constitution Awards.
Print Media Journalists
- Mimi Kartika (Republika)
- Indriyani Astuti (Media Indonesia)
- Vendy Yhulia Susanto (Kontan)
Online Media Journalists
- Andi Saputra (
- Yustinus Paat (
- Muhammad Zulfikar (
Television Media
- Kompas TV
- TV One
- I News TV
Video Conferencing Manager
- Law Faculty of Brawijaya University
- Law Faculty of Pattimura University
- Law Faculty of Lambung Mangkurat University
Congratulations on the winners!
Happy anniversary, Constitutional Court!
Long live the Constitution!
Writer : Utami Argawati
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Translation uploaded on 8/20/2022 09:44 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Saturday, August 13, 2022 | 12:30 WIB 373