Court Holds Technical Assistance Program for Its Agents of Change

Technical assistance program on improving the role of agents of change in the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court in 2022, Monday (7/18/2022). Photo by Humas MK/Ilham W. M.

Monday, July 18, 2022 | 14:56 WIB

JAKARTA, Public Relations—The Constitutional Court (MK) held a technical assistance program on improving the role of agents of change in the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court in 2022 on Monday, July 18, 2022.

The program was an important moment for the Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court in its efforts to accelerate bureaucratic reform and the development of Integrity Zone towards a Corruption-Free Zone (WBK) and Clean and Serving Bureaucracy Zone (WBBM) in 2022. Head of the Human Resources and Organization Bureau Teguh Wahyudi said bureaucratic reform and the development of Integrity Zone in the Court is part of its effort to offer quality public services in line with its vision to uphold the Constitution through modern and trusted judiciary and its mission to improve the integrity of constitutional judiciary, constitution awareness among citizens and state administrators, and the quality of the Court’s decisions.

He believed the Court’s bureaucratic reform to mark a massive change in governance in order to create clean, serving, professional government bureaucracy that is adaptive, has integrity, and is free from corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN). He also hoped the Court could continue serving the public accountably and uphold its strategic plan values—belief in One God, humanity, unity, deliberation, justice, honesty, independence, transparency, empathy, and tolerance—the I5-Court values—integrity, independence, impartiality, integratedness, interconnection, competence, objectiveness, upbringing, religious values, and trustworthiness—as well as INDEP values (4 pillars)—integrity, discipline, dedication, and professionalism—as well as the code of ethics of all staff members of the Court.

“As part of the leadership, we fully support bureaucratic reform and keep striving to improve the integrity zone in the work units in Registrar’s Office and the Secretariat-General of the Constitutional Court. In order to realize that goal, eight areas of change must be taken into account sincerely and continuously. One of the important areas is change in mindset and culture,” he said.

Teguh added that as a state institution that offers public services and depend on public trust, the Court must work more effectively and efficiently, maintain its integrity, and make innovations. He warned about the importance of public trust and integrity, adding that the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform had withdrawn the statuses of four work units in state institutions.

The WBK/WBBM status is hard to achieve, and no less to maintain, so Teguh encouraged all staff members to keep their integrity and show it in their conduct.

Management of Changes

Meanwhile, Consultant on human resource management Abdul Gofur Ahmad said that in order to be agents of change, one must go through a process.

“When one is appointed an agent of change, one must pledge to encourage or initiate change in performing their roles and duties. As agents of change, we always make efforts to initiate change,” he said.

Gofur explained that the management of change ensures sustainable changes towards better performance. It serves to build a common perception, commitment, consistency, and involvement in the implementation of bureaucratic reform programs and activities for all employees of the Constitutional Court. He explained that change is successful if there is involvement of the highest leadership, and that the commitment and active participation of the highest leadership are a must to achieving the goals of change.

Change, he said, is carried out in 3 stages: formulating a change management plan, managing or implementing change, and strengthening the results of the change.

Roles and Duties of Agents of Change

Meanwhile, Marwanto said agents of change are selected individuals/groups who are pioneers of change and at the same time can be role models in behavior that reflects integrity and high performance in their organizations.

The roles and duties of change agents and their forums are attached to the individual roles, duties, and functions of agents of change in their respective organizations, so there is no need to form a new organizational structure.

In his presentation, Marwanto talked about the leadership of the agents of change being responsible directly to the leadership of the state institution, who appointed them. This leadership prepares individual and group action plans in accordance with predetermined requirements. The action plans must be approved by the head of the institution.

“Agents of change implement the action plans and report periodically to the leadership of the institution with a copy to the head of the work unit and the [internal bureaucratic reform] team,” he said.

The heads of the institution and work units periodically monitor the implementation of the action plans and support the agents’ efforts in making changes by providing the necessary support and resources.

Raisa Ayudhita, one of the agents of change from the Constitutional Court’s Public Relations and Protocol Bureau, conveyed her impression and suggestions for the program. She felt the first presentation was quite heavy because agents of change are required to bring change to the eight areas defined by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform.

“On the other hand, the presenter said to start from small things that the agents of change see while at work. So, there is gap between what was delivered [in the presentation] and expected. Regardless, when convening with agents of change from other work units, [I] realized that many things in our respective work units must be changed,” she said.

Writer        : Utami Argawati
Editor        : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 7/28/2022 08:59 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Monday, July 18, 2022 | 14:56 WIB 171