Winners of Village Chief Constitution Speech Contest in Solo Announced

Chief Justice Anwar Usman conferred the trophies of the 2022 Constitution Speech Contest for lurahs and village chiefs in all of Solo symbolically, Saturday (6/18/2021) at the Amiek Sumindriyatmi Hall of FH UNS. Photo by Humas MK/Hamdi.

Sunday, June 18, 2022 | 07:01 WIB

JAKARTA, Public Relations—The chief of Slogoretno Village cof Wonogiri Regency, Suparmanto S. M.; the lurah of Popongan Village of Karanganyar Regency, Regency; and the lurah of Kepatihan Wetan Village of Surakarta City won first, second, and third places at the constitution speech contest between lurahs/village chiefs in all of Solo in 2022 on Saturday, June 19, 2022. The contest, organized by the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Law Faculty of Universitas Sebelas Maret (FH UNS), took place at the Amiek Sumindriyatmi Hall, Building III of FH UNS.

Each of the ten finalists performed a speech pertaining to the Constitutional Court’s landmark decisions, such as that on marriageable age and religious blasphemy. As the government that is the closest to the people, the village spearheads the efforts to realizing the people’s welfare, especially in economy, and creating a society that observes the Constitution. Therefore, hopefully through the contest, lurahs/village chiefs could play a role in improving constitutional awareness and introducing the Constitutional Court’s decisions along with the Constitutional Court.

Also read: Constitutional Court-UNS Hold Village Chief Constitution Speech Contest in Solo 

The constitution speech contest started in April until June 18. In 20 May to 8 June, the participants had registered and sent a 7-10 speech video. Seventy-five of the best videos went on to compete in the semifinal and 10 competed further in the final.

At each round, the participants were to give a speech with different themes. At the elimination round, they delivered one on “The Implementation of Pancasila” while at the semifinal, they delivered one on “The Role of Lurahs/Village Chiefs in Implementing Pancasila Values in the Village Life.” At the final round, they will take a theme related to one of the Court’s landmark decisions.

Writer       : Sri Pujianti
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 6/20/2022 10:00 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Sunday, June 19, 2022 | 07:01 WIB 254