Guntur Hamzah: Two Decades of Indonesian Administration Dynamic

Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah giving his remarks at the national conference of APHTN-HAN in Bali, Thursday (5/19/2022). Photo by Humas MK/Hendy.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 | 22:50 WIB

JAKARTA, Public Relations—Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah said the national conference of the Association of Constitutional and Administrative Law Lectures of Indonesia (APHTN-HAN) would be the most dynamic constitutional law conference in the history of the association.

“It is dynamic not only because of the convergence of two notions—[constitutional law and administrative law]—but also because the theme is complex, especially the subthemes. There are subthemes of structuring regulations, legislation, and structuring relations between the central and regional governments as well as to the management of general and regional elections,” he said at the conference, which was organized as collaboration between the MPR (People’s Consultative Assembly) and APHTN-HAN both onsite and online on Thursday, May 19, 2022 in Denpasar.

The national conference on “Dynamics of the Democratic Law-Based State after the Amendment of the 1945 Constitution.” Guntur believed the big theme was in line with the Indonesian people’s efforts of realizing a more established, democratic, and nomocratic state system.

“In two decades, the Indonesian administration is increasingly dynamic. There have been many developments, many ideas emerged, many things that can be recorded in its history after the amendment to the 1945 Constitution,” said the general chairman of APHTN-HAN central executive board of 2021-2025.

Guntur said that the conference would discover various thoughts and opinions on many things from different perspectives of both constitutional law and state administrative law.

“The national conference of APHTN-HAN is the first time that two disciplines that are actually the same but with differences in the perspectives of state administration are presented at the same time,” he explained.

He added that many figures—constitutional justices, state administrative actors, and academia—would present their theoretical and practical views.

Important Theme

MPR Speaker Bambang Soesatyo said in his remarks that the theme of the conference was an important discussion of Indonesia’s developing state administration.

“The return of state sovereignty to the people by changing the MPR supremacy to the constitutional supremacy, the strengthening of the presidential system, the limitation of the term of office of president-vice president, the five-year election, the implementation of independent judicial power, the founding of the Constitutional Court, and many others, are the fruits of the demand for the Reform, which were accommodated in the amendment of the 1945 Constitution,” he said.

He added that constitutional issues such as the organization of state institutions, the management of legislation, the state policy outlines, and even the extension of the term of office of president-vice president and the delay of the general election were a hot debate and received much academic attention.

“I hope that through the exchange of thoughts and ideas during this national conference of APHTN-HAN will give birth to academic ideas, noteworthy thoughts and recommendations for the development of our nation,” he said before opening the conference officially.

Writer        : Nano Tresna Arfana
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 5/20/2022 11:52 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Thursday, May 19, 2022 | 22:50 WIB 283