Chief Justice Opens Cooperative Annual Members Meeting of 2022

Chief Justice Anwar Usman opening the annual members meeting of the Constitutional Court’s cooperative, Thursday (3/31/2022) in the Court’s hall. Photo by Humas MK/Ifa.

Friday, April 1, 2022 | 10:46 WIB

JAKARTA, Public Relations—The Constitutional Court’s (MK) cooperative held an annual members meeting (RAT) for 2022 on Thursday, March 31, 2022 at the hall. At the opening, Chief Justice Anwar Usman explained four points of discussion at the meeting, which took place both onsite and virtually and attended by the management and members of the cooperative. First, the change to the cooperative’s statute. Second, the management accountability report. Third, the ratification of the residual income (SHU). Fourth, the election of the cooperative’s chief for 2022–2025.

Amendment to Statute

Justice Anwar reminded changes to the cooperative’s statute must be carried out carefully because the statute can be likened to the basic law or constitution for cooperatives in carrying out their business. “Therefore, changes to the cooperative’s statute not only have a tactical and pragmatic side for the business unit, but also strategic and idealistic aspects as a means of struggle to provide welfare to its members,” Anwar explained.

He added that the statute should not hinder the cooperative in expanding and carrying out its activities. It must also be designed to anticipate any future possibilities. In short, it must be futuristic.

Accountability Report

Justice Anwar said that all members must observe all points in the management accountability report, not to judge the management that had performed their duties, but for evaluation, since the cooperative is a joint business based on the principles of kinship and togetherness. Careful and detailed examination of every point of the report is expected to produce in-depth evaluation for the improvement and progress of the cooperative. If the cooperative progresses and develops, it will certainly have a direct impact on the members’ welfare.

Residual Income

Justice Anwar also said that, generally, residual income (SHU) is a hot topic at all RAT meetings, more so than others. He encouraged fairness in the distribution of this earnings. He explained that fairness prioritizes proportionality, which is not in line with democracy, which favors the majority.

“Therefore, in order to avoid being unjust to oneself and others, objectivity and caution should be exercised in formulating income distribution,” he advised.

Election of Cooperative Chief

Discussing the election of cooperative chief for 2022–2025, Justice Anwar said that the current chief could be reelected if the members believed he was capable of continuing and developing existing programs. On that note, he said, new members with better vision could be elected to replace those in the current management.

In principle, he added, the cooperative’s management is based on kinship, not on competition, as the cooperative is a medium for improving the members’ welfare without exception.

He closed his remarks by saying that at the meeting, it was important that all members actively provided inputs and feedback on the management so that they could perform the business optimally despite the pandemic and could improve the members’ welfare.

Meanwhile, Chief Registrar Muhidin, who also attended the opening of the meeting, expressed appreciation for the cooperative, which is in line with the Constitution. He also appreciated the members and their savings.

The cooperative’s chief for 2019-2021 delivered his accountability report and certified it. Prize draws also took place at the meeting. The peak of the meeting was the reelection of Budi Hariwibowo as chief for 2022–2025.

An annual members meeting (RAT) is a mandatory agenda of all cooperatives, in which the administrators account for their management of the cooperative in that year. This meeting is a forum for the Constitutional Court staff members to plan the cooperative’s direction the following year and to voice opinions on their membership. 

Writer        : Utami Argawati
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 4/13/2022 10:11 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Friday, April 01, 2022 | 10:46 WIB 184