Guarantee of Constitutional Rights Develop Following Citizens’ Needs

Chief Justice Anwar Usman delivering a keynote speech at the opening of the Constitution Awareness Program for Transformational Teachers Batch II virtually, Monday (3/28/2022). Photo by Humas MK/Teguh.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 | 21:49 WIB

JAKARTA, Public Relations—Chief Justice Anwar Usman opened the Constitution Awareness Program for Transformational Teachers Batch II on Monday, March 28, 2022 virtually from Jakarta. The event was the result of collaboration between the Constitutional Court (MK) and the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology, with 400 teachers of kindergarten up to senior high school levels participating virtually.

Justice Anwar said that the guarantee of the protection of citizens’ rights developed according to the people’s needs. This is also true in Indonesia, as reflected in the amendment to the 1945 Constitution. This, he added, is also reflected in the equality of the executive, legislative, and judicial institutions. Through the authority given to each of them, each institution’s exercise of its power can be corrected.

“The Constitutional Court as a judicial power can make corrections to the legal products made by the legislatures. This authority was given by the Constitution to the Constitutional Court through Article 24C paragraph (1) and paragraph (2),” he said before the Head of Programs and Implementation Department of the Constitutional Court's Pancasila and Constitution Education Center (Pusdik) Nanang Subekti and the Director of Principals, School Supervisors, and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Praptono.

Furthermore, Justice Anwar said that the law is a political product that may not fulfill the ideal concept of the people’s needs. As a manifestation of the balance of state power, matters that could potentially violate the citizen’s constitutional rights can be reviewed in the Constitutional Court. Therefore, any Indonesian citizens who feel that their constitutional rights have been violated by the norms made by the legislatures can file a material and formal judicial review petition to the Constitutional Court. 

Knowledge Improvement

Director of Principals, School Supervisors, and Education Personnel of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology Praptono in his speech said that the collaboration between the two institutions in this event was expected to help improve teachers’ knowledge of Pancasila and the Constitution. Hopefully, it would help realize the Merdeka Belajar (Freedom to Learn) policy, which is hoped to instill the spirit of independent learning in all students. Through this program, he added, a safe and comfortable learning system, directed to literacy, numeracy, and character, was also created for children.

Praptono acknowledged that the transformation of education in Indonesia was in progress, including through the transformational teachers present at the event. These teachers are candidates for future leaders as targeted by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology. It was expected that through the education regulation system, these teachers would become school principals and leaders with strategic positions in education.

“Therefore, through this event, it is hoped that teachers, who are agents of change, will be able to [learn about] constitutional rights [and later disseminate it] in the schools,” he said.

The event took place for four days, Monday-Thursday, March 28-31, 2022, featuring the best speakers and materials in constitutional law. Law experts and practitioners will be talking about “The Re-actualization of the Implementation of Pancasila Values,” “The Constitution and Constitutionalism,” “The State Administration System Based on the 1945 Constitution,” “The Guarantee of Citizens’ Constitutional Rights Based on the 1945 Constitution,” and “The Constitutional Court and the Procedural Law of Judicial Review of Laws Against the 1945 Constitution.”

After listening to the presentations, the participants will be instructed on the technique of drafting judicial review petition and to practice writing one. At the end of the event, their work will be evaluated.

Writer        : Sri Pujianti
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 4/11/2022 10:32 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022 | 21:49 WIB 283