Justice Saldi Isra Encourages Law Experts to Enrich Legal Literature

Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra speaking at the Court’s book review event in collaboration with West Sumatera Muhammadiyah University, Saturday (12/18/2021) virtually. Photo by Humas MK.

Sunday, December 19, 2021 | 12:49 WIB

PADANG, Public Relations—Constitutional Justice Saldi Isra gave a keynote speech at the Constitutional Court’s (MK) book review event in collaboration with West Sumatera Muhammadiyah University (UMSB) on Saturday, December 18, 2021. UMSB Rector Riki Saputra attended the event alongside panelists Wendra Yunaldi, Edi Askar, and Constitutional Court Researcher Anna Triningsih. Deans, lecturers, and students of UMSB also attended the event at the Convention Hall Yunahar Ilyas at Campus III of UMSB.

In his speech, Justice Saldi said that one of the duties and functions of the Constitutional Court is rendering a decision at an open hearing. Therefore, reading and writing have become habits in the institution. Therefore, on this auspicious occasion, he wanted to relay the Court’s spirit to the university.

"At least for the legal community, because more law literature from legal experts, the better it will be for the growth and development of law literacy in this country because, compared to the vast Indonesia, there are too few works by its legal experts. Therefore, we at the Constitutional Court took the initiative to write, read, and write,” he explained.

Justice Saldi hoped the book review event would encourage many to produce books for law enthusiasts. At the end of his lecture, he hoped in the future many books will be written by students and lecturers from UMSB. He also urged the university not to hesitate to allocate budgets for the publication of books by educators who have completed their education. He believes that this can be a long-term investment because writing is an effort to maintain civilization. Without it, knowledge will die little by little.

Two books were discussed at the event: Green and Blue Constitution: Undang-Undang Dasar Berwawasan Nusantara (“Green and Blue Constitution: Constitution with the Concept of Indonesian Nation”) by Jimly Asshiddiqie and Menegakkan Keadilan Pemilu, Menjaga Kemurnian Suara Rakyat: Dinamika Penyelesaian Sengketa Hasil Pilkada di Mahkamah Konstitusi (“Upholding Election Justice, Maintaining Purity of People’s Votes: The Dynamics of Resolution of Election Results Disputes in the Constitutional Court”) by the Court’s team of researchers led by Anna Triningsih.

Writer        : Bambang Panji Erawan/Sri Pujianti
Editor        : Lulu Anjarsari P.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 12/22/2021 13:54 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian versions, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Sunday, December 19, 2021 | 12:49 WIB 286