South Kalimantan Provincial KPU, alongside attorney Hifdzil Halim, testifying at the South Kalimantan governor election dispute hearing, Friday (23/7/2021) in the plenary courtroom. Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.
Friday, July 23, 2021 | 20:22 WIB
JAKARTA, Public Relations—Another hearing for the 2020 South Kalimantan regional election (pilkada) results dispute was held by the Constitutional Court (MK) on Friday, July 23, 2021 in the plenary courtroom. The hearing had been scheduled to hear the South Kalimantan Provincial General Elections Commission (KPU) and Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), as well as the Relevant Party Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin (Candidate Pair No. 1). The petition No. 146/PHP.GUBXIX/2021 was filed by governor-vice governor candidate pair No. 2 Denny Indrayana-Difriadi (Denny-Difri), who challenged the revote (PSU) on June 9, 2021.
Before the panel chaired by Deputy Chief Justice Aswanto, South Kalimantan Provincial KPU Commissioner Edy Ariansyah stressed that they (Respondent) had carried out the revote democratically in accordance with the principles of direct, public, free, confidential, honest, and fair election as well as of election management. He also said that the province’s KPU had formed PPK (subdistrict election committees) and KPPS (polling station working committees) in accordance with the Constitutional Court's decision and evaluated PPS members before making appointing them.
Edy said that at the seven subdistricts where the revote was implemented, the selected PPK chairpersons and members were not those involved in the election on December 9, 2020 and had been appointed by the KPU of Tapin Regency, Banjar Regency, and Banjarmasin City. The new KPPS chairpersons and members at 287 polling stations (TPS) were appointed through coordination with and under supervision by the city/regency KPU, following the Court’s ruling.
“The Respondent’s ranks carried out the entire KPPS formation process to the best of their abilities and transparently, and they were open to responses and inputs from the public and received recommendations from Bawaslu. All of Bawaslu’s recommendations have been followed up by the Respondent,” he revealed.
In addition, the Respondent didn’t update the voters’ data, but observed the data of voters in the final voters list (DPT), relocated voters list (DPPh), and additional final voters list (DPTb) to ensure that those in the DPTb were invited by the C invitation form to vote on June 9, 2021 as well as to ensure that all those voters were still eligible—by ensuring they were alive, their voting right hadn’t been revoked, and they hadn’t changed status from TNI (military) or the police.
Edy added that results of the observation were conveyed to the South Kalimantan Bawaslu, the city/regency Bawaslu, and all candidate pairs. All witnesses of the candidate pairs had signed the received the results of voting and vote counting at 287 TPS. They also observed the recapitulation at all seven subdistricts.
Based on all those facts, Eddy stressed, all of the Petitioner’s arguments are false because the entire revote process has followed existing procedure and statutory laws and regulations. Moreover, no objection was filed. He reiterated the Respondent’s view that the Petitioner’s arguments were false and legally groundless.
Also read:
Denny-Difri Reveal South Kalimantan Pilkada Violations in Constitutional Court Session
KPU of South Kalimantan Province Denies Denny-Difri's Petition
Witnesses Revealed Social Aid Misuse in South Kalimantan Regional Head Election
Grant Denny-Difriadi's Petition, The Court Orders Re-Vote for South Kalimantan Regent Election
Denny-Difri Challenges South Kalimantan Governor Election Results
Sahbirin-Muhidin’s Rebuff
At the hearing, Candidate Pair No. 1 Sahbirin Noor-Muhidin (Relevant Party) refuted the Petitioner’s argument. Through attorney Muhammad Imam Nasef, they denied the allegation of structured, systematic, and massive (TSM) “money politics” or vote buying at the 7 subdistricts. The allegation was reported to Bawaslu and had been ruled “cannot be follow up.”
“The decision was based on laws and regulations. Upon reading Bawaslu’s decision, [we found that] Bawaslu based it on a circular letter by Bawaslu RI,” Imam said.
Imam also said that the Petitioner had made false allegations. The South Kalimantan community, especially those joining the revote, were tired of the vilification. Through the Relevant Party, hundreds of village heads and RT (neighborhood unit) heads voluntarily provided counterarguments to the Petitioner’s allegation.
“So, we use it as evidence against the allegation of ‘money politics’ and TSM [violations,” Imam added.
He revealed that, in fact, the Petitioner committed ‘money politics.’ They purchased goods and offered money disguised as alms. He Imam also refuted the allegation of intimidation. He said the Relevant Party hadn’t received any such report and he revealed that, in fact, the Petitioner’s attorney by the name of Zulkarni had committed intimidation.
Bawaslu’s Statement
Meanwhile, the South Kalimantan Bawaslu’s Coordinator for Public Relations and Information Data Law Division Nurkholis Majid testified that Bawaslu had received 20 reports of violations—10 from the Relevant Party, 3 from the public, and 7 from the Petitioner. He explained that Bawaslu had followed up on all reports and findings.
He revealed that a report from the Relevant Party on ASN’s (state civil apparatus) bias had been followed up by making a recommendation to the Civil Service Commission (KASN). Meanwhile, in relation to the Petitioner’s argument of Bawaslu’s bias, he revealed that the Petitioner made 2 reports to the Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP)—the first on 1 Bawaslu member, the second on all members. The DKPP followed them up by warning all the Bawaslu members.
Writer : Utami Argawati
Editor : Nur R.
PR : Tiara Agustina
Translator : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)
Translation uploaded on 7/24/2021 10:09 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Friday, July 23, 2021 | 20:22 WIB 257