Secretary-General: Challenges in Internalizing Pancasila in Legislation

Secretary-General M. Guntur Hamzah speaking at a talk show organized by the House of Representatives and the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education, Monday (21/6/2021) from the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK/Bayu.

Monday, June 21, 2021 | 15:51 WIB

JAKARTA, Public Relations—Secretary-General of the Constitutional Court (MK) M. Guntur Hamzah spoke at a talk show on “Internalizing Pancasila Values in the Legislation” on Monday afternoon, June 21, 2021 in Jakarta. The event was organized by the House of Representatives (DPR) and the Agency for Pancasila Ideology Education (BPIP).

“In essence, internalizing Pancasila values in the legislation means how we implement the principles of [good governance], which are directed toward creating good legislation,” he said virtually from the Constitutional Court.

Guntur said that Indonesia has had many Pancasila-related attributes. People say that Pancasila is the nation’s soul and ideology. It shows how noble its values are that they must be realized in a more practical manner.

“Pancasila must be internalized, instilled in three aspects of our lives. First, in our daily life and conduct. I’d like to express my appreciation for BPIP that has made an animation on daily conduct called the Pancasila behavior. Second, instilling Pancasila in legislation and regulations. Third, instilling Pancasila in policies. There needs to be a synergy of these three aspects to find out how much Pancasila values have been implemented,” he said.

Guntur highlighted the second aspect. He said that since being drafted, legislation must be adapted to Pancasila values. The implementation of legislation and the enforcement of law must also contain these values.

“In enforcing the law, it doesn’t only concern punitive measures, but also judicial review, which is carried out by the Constitutional Court and the Supreme Court,” he explained.

No less important, he added, is the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in internalizing Pancasila values in legislation and regulations. Artificial intelligence can also be used to gauge the implementation of Pancasila values.

“Aside from adopting Pancasila, accommodating the decisions of the Constitutional Court is imperative,” he said.

Guntur added that in Society 5.0, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 must be responded to by humanizing humans through technology, not by letting technology controlling humans. As such, the challenges to internalizing Pancasila values in legislation and regulations are increasingly complex, where Pancasila is interpreted as an open ideology compatible to the latest conditions.

The Head of the House’s Board of Expertise Inosentius Samsul, who was in attendance, said Pancasila is the supreme law of the land, pursuant to Article 2 of Law No. 12 of 2011 on Lawmaking. “This is the basis of the rationale that internalization of Pancasila values in legislation is enforced. There is a theory that a country’s norms come from the norms above it. The House’s Board of Expertise is committed to maintaining lawmaking principles,” said Inosentius, who also explained the stages of lawmaking.

Meanwhile, the Secretary-General of the Regional Representatives Council (DPD) Rahman Hadi said that Pancasila is the state’s foundation and ideology that unites the nation. “Pancasila as an ideology means that it serves as the bases in regulating the state administration and governance. Pancasila values are universal, so it must be internalized in all aspects of the nation and state,” he said.

Next, the Ministry of Home Affairs’ Director-General of Regional Autonomy Akmal Malik said that so far, the regional governments only follow regulations and norms of the central government. “The government prepares regulations, norms in the form of presidential regulations, minister regulations, and so on. The public complies with those regulations. So, who is the executor? It is none other than the regional governments—governors and vice governors, regents and vice regents, and DPRD members. We serve as a bridge so that Pancasila values is implemented well in education in the regions,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Director-General of Legislation of the Law and Human Rights Ministry Benny Riyanto stressed that Pancasila values were deep within the life of the nation, including in regulations. He also said that the vision of the national development is an advanced, independent, fair, and prosperous Indonesia.

“This is contained in Law No. 17 of 2007,” he added before the Ministry of State Secretariat’s Deputy for Law and Legislation Lydia Silvanna Djaman and BPIP’s Deputy for Law, Advocacy, and Regulation Monitoring K. A. Tajuddin, who were also in attendance.

MoU between DPR and BPIP

On the same day, prior to the talk show, the House (DPR) and BPIP signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) at the Nusantara IV Building, Parliament Complex, Jakarta. Through the MoU, both institutions agreed on improving cooperation in actualizing Pancasila values, especially in lawmaking.

House Speaker Puan Maharani viewed the MoU positively. She said the legislature was challenged to actualize Pancasila in lawmaking. “As long as it does not go against Pancasila, norms must reflect the values of Pancasila,” she stressed.

“The spirit of this memorandum of understanding is to ensure Pancasila [values] in all legislation that will be born from this Senayan Building,” she added.

Last, BPIP chairman Yudian Wahyudi also expressed the need of internalizing Pancasila values in the community. “Pancasila is what unites Indonesia as a nation, which comes from within the nation. It is apt that state institutions, ministries/agencies, local governments, socio-political organizations, and other community components encourage a strong and comprehensive understanding for all Indonesian people so that the noble ideas and legacy of the founding fathers can always be learned and practiced from generation to generation,” he stressed.

Link to the YouTube video:

Writer        : Nano Tresna Arfana
Editor        : Nur R.
Translator  : Yuniar Widiastuti (NL)

Translation uploaded on 6/22/2021 14:03 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Monday, June 21, 2021 | 15:51 WIB 510