The parties in case Number 28/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 and Justices cross checked the data on Final Voters List (DPT) in the hearing for Regent Election Results Dispute of Tojo Una-una Regency on Wednesday (03/03) in the Panel III Courtroom. Photo by PR/Teguh.
JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS—The hearing for case Number 28/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 concerning Regional Head Elections Results Dispute of Tojo Una-una Regency on Wednesday (03/03) highlighted on the votes inflation due to some voter(s) voted with the same name based on Additional Final Voters List (DPTb) and Moving Voters List (DPPh or a list of voters who were listed on certain Final Voters List/DPT yet voted in another polling station due to certain circumstances). Berlihandry was a witness invited by Candidate Pair Number 2 Rendi M. Afandy Lamadjido and Hasan Lasiata as Petitioner.
Berlihandry who acted as the coordinator for witnesses in the Regent Election of Tojo Una-una Regency revealed that based on the witnesses reports, multiple voters existed starting from the polling station (TPS) until district level.
“Several names who voted twice were founded. The names were there on DPTb and DPPh in several places or TPSs in Tojo Una-una Regency,” he stated.
He mentioned that those multiple voters located in several TPSs, namely TPS 3, TPS 4, TPS 5, and TPS 6 of Muara Toba Sub-district where several names not listed on DPT yet they voted and voted more than once. “In TPS 4 Muara Toba, there were Apin Jafar, Ihrani Biya, and Adriani Estalam, they were voters who voted and their names were on both DPPh and DPTb,” explained him.
Justices Panel chaired by Justice Arief Hidayat responded to this matter by asking the General Elections Commission (KPU) of Tojo Una-una Regency or Respondent represented by the Head of KPU, Dirwan Syahputra. KPU stated that the incident was the result of a combined note taking process done by the election committee. In regards to the testimony of Berlihandry, KPU said that the voters based on DPTb were 19 people whereas on DPPh were 4 (four) people.
“The note taking process was combined. As a matter of fact, what was on the list was exactly the same with the C Result form with 244 voters with a side note that 4 (four) voters were on DPPh and 19 voters were on DPTb,” Syahputra said.
Meanwhile, Bawaslu of Tojo Una-una Regency represented by Suandi Tamrin Bilatullah shared that based on his supervision in the regency there was no report as mentioned by Petitioner’s Witness. “There was no finding other than what was in TPS 5 which was related to a criminal act/violation and already processed,” he said.
Voting Twice
Petitioner also invited Syarifudin Ambololo who was a witness in regency level. He shared that there were voters who voted twice in TPS 5 Muara Toba, Ratolindo District. Hence, he did not sign the recapitulation result in the regency level and had made an objection letter. Bawaslu stated that the objection had been responded by opening the ballot box together to make sure about the alleged mistakes using the attendance list inside the box to confirm. Meanwhile, KPU stated that the alleged voters who voted twice had been processed to Sentra Gakkumdu (Integrated Law Enforcement Center, red).
Election Education
Petitioner also invited Maruarar Siahaan as an expert to give an explanation about the votes inflation happened in the election. Siahaan said that votes inflation happened because voter(s) voted more than time. He then highlighted on the importance of an election education concerning the transparency of election documents, such as DPT, DPTb, and DPPh which were owned by the election committee. In fact, this principle of document transparency in the Constitution was a form of human rights, a right to information to be exact.
“Therefore, this was like a call to receive election results by showing the documents of KPU openly to all parties, in this case including petitioner,” he shared in the Panel III hearing chaired by Justice Arief Hidayat accompanied by Justices Manahan MP Sitompul and Saldi Isra.
He also responded to the question raised by M. Wijaya S. as the attorney of KPU which was about the burden held by KPU even after answering the petitioner claim on the alleged multiple voters using electronic ID Cards (e-KTP) and temporary ID Cards (Suket) in 83 TPSs. Siahaan said that even if the matter had been completely proven, things about population administration remained problematic. Document given in this election was only the result. Other problems concerning voters data that were not listed on DPT and other names which could not be validated to have voting rights could not be addressed.
“What the petitioner had was the C6 form, it was only results. The attendance list and other documents were supposed to be clearly shown, because the documents involved in the process were not there with all parties, but with election committee. Therefore, a wrong process would result to a wrong result as well,” he said.
7 (seven) citizens
In this evidentiary hearing, the Court also listened to the testimony of witnesses invited by KPU, namely Farhan Kaluku and Saripa Is Tondu as KPPS members and Moh. Isa Ashar Latimumu as an officer in the Department of Population and Civil Registration of Tojo Una-una Regency. In his testimony, Latimumu responded to the petitioner's claim about 7 (seven) names who were allegedly not the citizens of Tojo Una-una regency who were supposed to use their voting rights. He said that based on the population data, those people mentioned by petitioner were indeed a local citizen. “Those 7 (seven) people used their voting rights using e-KTP,” he said.
Additionally, the Court also listened to the testimony of the witnesses from Relevant Party named Muhlis A. Rato, Erlis Harun, and Kifli ADJ Lasodi. Rato as the mandate witness in TPS 3 Uemalingku said that there were no multiple voters found because there were 411 voters based on the DPT with the voting results: 3 votes for Candidate Pair Number 1; 209 votes for Candidate Pair Number 2; 120 votes for Candidate Pair Number 3; and 28 votes for Candidate Pair Number 4; whereas 9 votes were invalid.
Previously in the preliminary hearing, petitioner plead the Court to annul the Decree of Tojo Una-una Regency KPU Number 502/HK.03.1-Kpt/7209/KPU-Kab/XII/2020 concerning the Certification of Votes Count Recapitulation of 2020 Regent and Vice Regent Election of Tojo Una-una Regency dated on 16 December 2020. Petitioner claimed that there were multiple voters who used e-KTP and Suket when its validity was unknown. According to petitioner, this problem resulted in the votes received by Candidate Pair Number 3 Mohammad Lahay and Ilham with 33.822 votes, whereas petitioner received 33.028 votes. They claimed that this incident happened in almost 83 TPSs in the regency.
Writer : Sri Pujianti
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari
Uploader : Rudi
Translator: WA (NL)
Managing Editor: BW
Translation uploaded on March 4, 2021 at 8.49 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Wednesday, March 03, 2021 | 17:10 WIB 316