Petition for Regent Election Results Dispute of Pohuwato Dismissed

Petitioner attended online the ruling hearing for the Regent Election Results Dispute for Pohuwato in the plenary courtroom on Wednesday (17/02). Photo by Public Relations/Teguh. 

JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT—On Wednesday (17/02), Constitutional Court read out Decision Number 27/PHP.BUP-XIX/202 concerning the Regent Election Results Dispute for Pohuwato declaring that the petition filed by Candidate Pair Number 3 Iwan Sjafruddin Adam and Zunaidi Z. Hasan was unacceptable.

In the hearing chaired by Chief Justice Anwar Usman accompanied by other Justices, Justice Manahan MP Sitompul read the legal consideration stating that the petitioner as the Candidate Pair for Regent and Vice Regent of Pohuwato Regency had the right to submit a petition to the Court. However, petitioner received 27.200 votes whereas the candidate pair with the most votes received 37.190 votes making the difference between them was  9.990 votes or 11,04% exceeding the maximum percentage of votes difference as mentioned in the Article 158 Paragraph (2) Letter a of the Law Number 10/2016.

In order to support the petition despite failing to meet the requirement in the Article, petitioner claimed that there was an administrative violation done in a structured, systematic, and massive manner and provided evidence. The Court had held the hearing to hear the answer of General Elections Commission (KPU) of Pohuwato Regency as the Respondent as well as information from the Relevant Party and Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) in which the Court had considered the relevancy with the votes received by candidate pairs. 

“The Court did not find evidence supporting the allegations claimed by the petitioner. Based on the legal consideration, the Court did not find the claim to be a convincing reason that affected the requirements in the Article 158 Paragraph (2) Letter a of the Law Number 10/2016 and to continue examining the a quo case further,” explained Sitompul in the hearing attended by all parties virtually.

In the previous hearing, based on the votes count recapitulation by KPU of Pohuwato Regency, Petitioner received 27.200 votes whereas Candidate Pair Number 4 Saipul Mbuinga and Suharsi Igirisa received 37.190 votes resulting in 9.990 votes difference. On this matter, petitioner claimed that the votes were affected by several structured, systematic, and massive violations, such as the unneutral attitude of the Civil Servant(s), some amount of money grants from the head of DPRD in the election period, as well as cash grants in 10 (ten) districts, e.g. Districts of Randangan, Marisa, Buntulia, Paguat, and Denggilo.

Writer: Sri Pujianti.

Editor: Nur R.

Uploader: ‬Rudi ‬

Translator: WA (NL)

Managing Editor: BW

Translation uploaded on February 18, 2021 at 15.04 WIB

Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021 | 16:05 WIB 274