Justice Arief Hidayat read the legal consideration in the ruling hearing for the Regent Election Results Dispute of Balikpapan Regency in the plenary courtroom on Tuesday (16/02). Photo by Public Relations/Teguh.
JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT—Constitutional Court ruled on the Regent Election Results Dispute of Balikpapan Regency filed by Muhammad Ambran Agus, Adi Dharma Wiranata, Muhammad Rizal Fadillah who were the members of an independent election supervisory organisation called KIPP of Balikpapan which could not be accepted.
“Decision…, declaring that the petition is unacceeptable,” said Chief Justice Anwar Usman accompanied by other Justices when reading the Decision Number 62/PHP.KOT-XIX/2021.
In the legal consideration read by Justice Arief Hidayat, Court explained on the bar minimum to file a petition on the 2020 Regional Head Election Results Dispute. Empty box received 96.642 votes whereas relevant party received 160.929 votes, hence the votes difference was 64.287 votes (24,96%) or more than 2.576 votes exceeding the percentage as required in the Article 158 Paragraph (2) Letter a of the Law Number 10/2016.
“Therefore, he further explained that the Court no longer considered other claims by the petitioner due to the irrelevancy and not proved to be affecting the final votes and elected candidate. To conclude, the Court did not find any convincing reason based on what petitioner claimed and the evidents provided for the Court to sheer off the requirements and examine the a quo case further,” said Hidayat.
In the previous hearing on Tuesday (26/01), Rinto as the petitioner attorney plead to annul the Decree of General Elections Commission (KPU) of Balikpapan City Number 263/PL.02.6-Kpt/6471/KPU-Kot/XII/2020 concerning the Certification of the Vote Count Recapitulation and the Certification of the 2020 Mayor and Vice Mayor of Balikpapan City dated on 16 December 2020. He claimed that KPU had shown a discriminative and unfair attitude to the petitioner. Election Supervisory Body (Bawslu) also did not respond to the report on 11 November 2020 about unregistered social media campaign for Candidate Pair Number 1 Rahmad Mas’ud and Thoari Aziz.
Petitioner had also submitted additional members as the election supervisors with letter Number 007/SKL-BPN/XI/2020 concerning Surat Permohonan Data Daftar Nama PPK, PPS, dan KPPS. He further explained that on 9 December 2020 petitioner was treated unfairly and not given chance to talk in the district plenary meeting. They were also not given the C Form KWK by the polling station (TSP) in Telaga Sari, Klandasan Ulu and Klandasan Ilir from the Districts of Balikpapan City until the recapitulation was finished.
Writer : Melisa Fitria Dini
Editor : Nur R.
Uploader : Rudi
Translator: WA (NL)
Managing Editor: BW
Translation uploaded on February 18, 2021 at 7.47 wib
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Tuesday, February 16, 2021 | 20:15 WIB 312