KPU of Taliabu Island: Not All Voters Used Their Voting Rights

Hendra Kasim as the attorney of KPU gave his explanation in the hearing of Regional Head Election Results Dispute (Pilkada) of Taliabu Island on Monday (08/02). Photo by Public Relations/Teguh.

JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT—In the hearing of 2020 Regional Head Election Results Dispute for Taliabu Island Regency, Hendra Kasim as the attorney of General Elections Commission (KPU) of Taliabu Island Regency explained that after investigation it was founded that there were 206 voters listed on the Final Voters List (DPT) of Polling Station (TPS) 2 in Salajati Village, Northwest Taliabu District, who used their voting rights while 226 ballots were available. Hence, not 100% listed voters on DPT voted during the election.

 “Not all voters listed on DPT used their voting rights, so remaining balance of available ballots were used, not the 2,5% additional ballots,” he said in the Panel III courtroom chaired by Justice Arief Hidayat accompanied by Justices Manahan MP Sitompul and Saldi Isra.

He also commented on what Candidate Pair Number 1 Muhaimin Syarif and Syafruddin Mohalisi as petitioner claimed regarding the unneutral attitude of the Polling Station Working Committee (KPPS) in Tolong Village, Lede District that there was a recommendation from the Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) that the said KPPS member(s) allegedly involved as the campaign team of Candidate Pair Number 2 Aliong Mus-Ramli to be applied violations of ethics code.

 “However, after a thorough investigation, there were names of KPPS members but those names were not listed as campaign team of Candidate Pair Number 2,” he further explained on the case Number 11/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021.

Bawaslu of Taliabu Island Regency represented by Mochtar Tidore explained on the alleged involvement of the Head of Belo Village, Southeast Taliabu District, to win a certain Candidate Pair. He admitted that there was a decision stating that Irma Liambana was guilty of criminal charge due to deliberately benefit a certain Candidate Pair.

 “For that matter, she was sentenced for 3 (three) months and to pay 4 (four) million Rupiahs fine,” he said.

Distribution of Pilkada Information Letter in Palu

Within the same hearing, Panel III also held the hearing for case Number 94/PHP.KOT-XIX/2021 filed by Candidate Pair Number 3 for Mayor and Vice Mayor of Palu City (Hidayat and Habsa Yanti Ponulele). Commissioner of Palu City KPU, Nurbia commented on the petitioner claim regarding the uneven distribution of Pilkada Information Letter in 18 TPSs that those letters had been distributed 3 (three) days prior the voting day.

Bawaslu of Palu City represented by Ivan Yudharta explained that the revision of notes on the C Form Model in 16 TPSs were untrue and that there were no notes revised using pen corrector or others. On the alleged mistake in the recapitulation results in 31 TPSs, it had been revised by giving cross (X) marks and signed by the corrector.

Writer: Sri Pujianti

Editor: Nur R.

Uploader: Rudi 

Translator: WA (IA)

Managing Editor: BW

Translation uploaded on 8 February 2021 at 20.51 WIB

Monday, February 08, 2021 | 14:46 WIB 377