KPU of Lombok Tengah: Degree Certificate of Pathul Bahri is Original

Mahsan as the attorney of General Elections Committee (KPU) as Respondent gave his explanation in the hearing for Regional Head Election Results Dispute of Central Lombok, Thursday (04/02). Photo by Public Relations/Teguh.

JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT—Constitutional Court held the next hearing for cases related to the 2020 Regional Head Election Results Dispute on Thursday (04/02). In the second session of Panel III, 2 (two) cases were examined namely cases Number 102/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021  for Central Lombok Regency and 110/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 for Sumbawa Regency.

In the petition filed by Candidate Pair Number 3 Masrun and Habib Ziadi, Mahsan as the attorney for General Elections Committee (KPU) of Central Lombok Regency explained the Respondent’s Answer concerning the petitioner claim on the alleged fake degree certificate of the Regent Candidate Number 3 L. Pathul Bahri. KPU denied the claim as the candidate had submitted complete education background documents for qualifications in his application for candidacy.

“Respondent had confirmed the originality of the certificates to the related high school and university,” he explained in the Panel III courtroom chaired by Justice Arief Hidayat accompanied by Justices Manahan MP Sitompul and Saldi Isra.

Mahsan also mentioned the voting results as follows: Candidate Pair Number 1 Lale Prayatni-Sumun received 67.258 votes, Candidate Pair Number 2 Ahmad Ziadi-Lalu Aswantara received 83.620 votes, Candidate Pair Number 3 Masrun-Habib Ziadi received 155.391 votes, Candidate Pair Number 4 L. Pathul Bahri-Nursiah received 199.299 votes, and Candidate Pair Number 5 Lalu Saswadi-Dahrun received 16.974 votes.

“There was no difference of votes between KPU decree and what petitioner claimed,” he said.

In regards to the alleged TSM administrative violation done by Candidate Pair Number 4, KPU weighed that the allegation was solely based on assumptions not facts. “KPU never received any report or recommendation on the alleged TSM violation. Should the alleged violation existed, petitioner should have taken the law process by reporting to Bawaslu,” Masrun said. 

Ali Usman Ahim as the attorney of Relevant Party stated that the involvement of district and village heads during the Regional Head Election in Central Lombok was a groundless claim by petitioner. He also said that petitioner never reported any allegation and no further process on that. Concerning the fake degree certificate, it was also not true as all documents under the name of L. Pathul Bahri were verified and publicly investigated.

“There was a period of time where people were free to correct any requirements of each candidate, and no objection was present that time,” he told.

Custody of Police District

Within the same hearing, Panel III also examined case Number 110/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 for Sumbawa Regency. Bambang Widjojanto as the attorney of Sumbawa Regency KPU (Respondent) responded to one of petitioner objections about the voters in TPS 11 Bugis Sub-district which in fact were not listed on that TPS but on TPS 6 instead as they were prisoners in Sumbawa Police Station.

“Those voters were listed on the Final Voters List (DPT) for TPS 6, both were prisoners of Sumbawa Police Station,” he said.

Not a Member

Yusril Ihza Mahendra as the attorney of Relevant Party commented on the petitioner claim that the head and members of the polling station working committee (KPPS) had done a violation. After the examination, evident was not found as they were not KPPS members. Intimidation claimed by petitioner was also not found.

“Even if there was an intimidation by the alleged head and members of KPPS, it should be on the personal level. Intimidation should not be a reason for a voting redo,” he said.

Bawaslu of Sumbawa Regency, Samsih Hidayat stated that there was no intimidation done by KPPS because based on what Bawaslu observed, election was done accordingly based on the procedures.

“There were no reports until finish the election,” he said.

Writer: Sri Pujianti.
Editor: Nur R.
Uploader: Rudi
Translator: WAD (IA)
Managing Editor: BW

Translation uploaded on 6 February 2021 at 09.23 WIB

Friday, February 05, 2021 | 13:28 WIB 344