KPU of Bone Bolango Regency Confirms to Have Done Sampling Test

Yakop A.R. Mahmud as the attorney of the Respondent giving explanation during the hearing for the Regional Head Election Results Dispute in Bone Bolango Regency, Wednesday (03/02). Photo by Public Relations/Teguh.

JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT—Constitutional Court held the second hearing for 2020 Regional Head Election Results Disputes in Bone Bolango Regency for cases Number 52/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 and Number 63/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 in Panel III courtroom on Wednesday (03/02) chaired by Justice Arief Hidayat accompanied Justices Manahan MP Sitompul and Saldi Isra.

Yakop A.R. Mahmud as the attorney for General Elections Commission (KPU) of Bone Bolango Regency as Respondent gave explanation on the ballot distribution allegedly done not in accordance with the Final Voters List (DPT). Responding to the allegation filed by Candidate Pair Number 3 Rusliyanto Monoarfa and Umar Ibrahim as Petitioner, he claimed that KPU had conducted Plenary Meeting(s) and investigation, namely making sure the amounts of the ballots in each polling station (TPS) and doing a sampling test for the vote count.     

“There was no difference as mentioned by Petitioner. It was also attended by witness(es). Hence, this allegation was taken care and followed up by KPU,” he explained concerning the case Number 52/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021.

Moreover, Elections Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) of Bone Bolango Regency represented by Moh. Zain Slamet Baladraf commented on the Petitioner’s claim which stated there were 351 TPSs where the ballots amount did not match the DPT. He said that Bawaslu found several things to note: the number of voters in the DPT were 115.593 voters; ballots received in 351 TPSs in Bone Bolango Regency were 116.259 ballots as a result of the total voters in DPT added with 2,5% alternative ballots.

Not Yet 2 (Two) Periods

Within the same hearing, M. Saleh Gasin as the attorney for Bone Bolango Regency KPU as Respondent gave explanation on the alleged violations done for the favor of Candidiate Pair Number 2 Hi. Hamim Pou and Merlan Uloli on the case Number 63/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 filed b Mohamad Kilat Wartabone and Syamsir Djafar Kiayi. He said that the Candidate Pair had met the qualifications for candidacy in the 2020 election period. 

“The objection is groundless as Hamim Pou did meet the qualifications for candidacy and he had not served 2 (two) office terms. This was backed up by the Constitutional Court Decision,” he explained.

In this case, petitioner plead the Court to declare that the Vote Count Recapitulation done by KPU of Bone Bolango Regency is invalid and annulled as it was done without the principles of honesty and fairness, as well as marred with structured, systematic, and massive violations based on the documents made on purpose by the KPU. Those violations done to win the Candidate Pair Hamim Pou and Merlan Uloli. KPU was allegedly not being fair and honest violating the Law Number 10 Year 2016 concerning the Second Amendment of Law Number 1 Year 2015 concerning the Government Regulations in Lieu of Law Number 1 Year 2015 concerning the Governor/Regent/Mayor Elections.(*)

Writer : Sri Pujianti
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari
Uploader : Rudi
Translator : WAD (IA)

Managing Editor : BW

Translation uploaded on 5 February 2021 at 11.30 WIB

Wednesday, February 03, 2021 | 17:40 WIB 391