Petitioner attorney Muhammad Fadli Nasution explained the principal pleading during the hearing session of the Regional Head Election Results for Fakfak Regency, Friday (29/01) in the courtroom of the Constitutional Court. Photo by Public Relations/Ifa.
JAKARTA, PUBLIC RELATIONS OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL COURT—Chaired by Justice Anwar Usman accompanied by Justices Enny Nurbaningsih and Wahiduddin Adams, the Court held the hearing for 2020 Regional Head Election Results Dispute concerning 3 (three) regions in West Papua, namely cases Number 113/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 for Fakfak Regency, Number 2/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 for Kaimana Regency, and 71/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 for Manokwari Regency on Friday afternoon (29/01).
Candidate Pair Samaun Dahlan and Clifford H. Ndandarmana plead the Court to annul the decree of General Election Commission (KPU) concerning the Certification of the 2020 Election Results of the Regent and Vice Regent of Fakfak Regency dated on 17 December 2020 due to the troublesome candidacy process of Candidate Pair Number 2 Untung Tamsil and Yohana Dina Hindom as Relevant Party. Petitioner founded about this based on the decree of Election Organizer Ethics Council (DKPP) Number 97-PKE-DKPP/X/2020 dated on 16 December 2020 about the Complaint of Ethics Violation of the Head of Elections Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Fakfak Regency and its members regarding the candidacy process for an individual candidate.
Petitioner attorney, Muhammad Fadli Nasution further revealed that the General Elections Commission (KPU) of Fakfak Regency as Respondent had ignored 2 (two) times of the warning letter from Bawaslu of Fakfak Regency concerning the multiple supporters as much as 2.066 ID Cards (KTP) spread out for 3 (three) individuals candidate when applying for candidacy. “Hence, Candidate Pair Number 2 Untung Tamsil and Yohana Dina Hindom failed to meet the criteria as an individual candidates,” he said.
Petitioner also claimed the alleged violations and cheating of the e-KTP (electronic ID Card) and Suket (temporary ID Card) to win the Related Party by publishing 2 (two) types of Sukets: offline and online. Mobilization of voters was allegedly done by the Related Party in a structured, systematic, and massive manner. Voters changed their TPS with the e-KPT or Suket as the alibi. It happened in 3 (three) districts with the highest number of voters in the Final Voters List (DPT): Pariwari, Fakfak, Central Fakfak Districts.
The pleading was for the Court to declare that the Relevant Party did not meet the qualifications to be individual candidate to run in 2020 Regent and Vice Regent Election in Fakfak Regency and command the KPU of Fakfak Regency to redo the voting (PSU) in 3 (three) districts: Fakfak, Pariwari, and Kokas.
Alleged Violation in Regent Election of Kaimana
Candidate Pair for Regent and Vice Regent, Rita Teurupun and Leonardo Syakema revealed structured, systematic, and massive violations before, during, and after the election done by KPU of Kaimana Regency as Respondent, Bawaslu of Kaimana Regency, and Candidate Pair Number 1 Freddy Thie and Hasbullah Furuada (Relevant Party) making the petitioner suffered some loss. Some examples of the violations were unneutral attitude of the Respondent as the election committee and alignments of the district election committee (PPD), polling committee (PPS), and polling station working committee (KPPS).
“Some criteria for a voting redo (PSU) to be done were present, such as no original certificate from KPPS, alleged mobilization of voters as 33 people were added on the Additiona Voters List (DPTb) without clear reasoning, but Elections Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu) still did not recommend a voting redo. The additional voters surpassed the available ballots—2,5% increase from the DPT. Other violations were money politics practice, multiple voters, and underage voters,” explained petitioner attorney for case Number 02/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021, Septarius Kahar.
Hence, the petitioner plead the Court to command KPU of Kaimana Regency to redo the voting in the whole regency or at least in 35 TPSs.
Money Politics in Manokwari Regent Election
Petitioner attorney for case Number 71/PHP.BUP-XIX/2021 concerning Manokwari Regent Election filed by Sius Dowansiba and Mozes Rudy Frans, Habel Rumbiak claimed an alleged money politics practice in the form of Rp 5.000.000 cash grant for 5 (five) KPPS members each given by the Head of PWKI in West Papua Province. Another grant was given to members of Adonia Christian Church of Indonesia in Trikora Wosi Street, Manokwari Regency with the amount of Rp 500.000.000 on 6 December 2020. Then, certificate of honorary for Regional Government of Manokwari Regency signed on April 2020 was supposed to be given early on to the Civil Servants, instead, the incumbent who happened to be Candidate Pair Number 2 gave it on 19 September 2020 during the election.
“From a series of violations done by Candidate Pair Number 1, petitioner had filed for a complaint to Bawaslu of Manokwari Regency, and now when we are filing for a petition in the Constitutional Court, we shall see that the complaint was not handled accordingly,” he said.
For that matter, the petitioner pleads the Court to declare that Candidate Pair Hermus Indou and Edi Budoyo with 60.330 votes to be disqualified in the name of law due to the violations of law, command KPU as Respondent to declare the valid Voting Results of 2020 Regent and Vice Regent Election of Manokwari Regency according to the petitioner, as well as declare Candidate Pair Number 1 Sius Dowansiba and Mozes Rudy Frans Timisela as Elected Regent and Vice Regent of Manokwari in 2020.(*)
Writer : Fuad Subhan
Editor : Lulu Anjarsari
Uploader : Fuad Subhan
Translator : Afina Dianastuti
Editor : NL
Managing Editor : BW
Translation uploaded on January 30th, 2021 at 22.13 WIB
Disclaimer: The original version of the news is in Indonesian. In case of any differences between the English and the Indonesian version, the Indonesian version will prevail.
Friday, January 29, 2021 | 20:00 WIB 448