Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman handing a token of appreciation to retired Head of the Court’s Library Management Department Mahmudah at a ceremony on Friday (8/5/2020) at the Constitutional Court. Photo by Humas MK.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—The Constitutional Court’s (MK) Registrar’s Office and Secretariat General held a retirement ceremony for the Head of the Court’s Library Management Department Mahmudah and the Head of the General Bureau’s Security Department Police Superintendent (AKBP) Murry Miranda. The latter is to continue serving with the National Police headquarters. The simple ceremony was held at the 11th floor Meeting Room on Friday afternoon (8/5/2020). Chief Constitutional Justice Anwar Usman, Secretary General M. Guntur Hamzah, Chief Registrar Muhidin, and echelon II and III officials were in attendance.
Mahmudah revealed her impressions having served with the Constitutional Court and apologized to all attending staff members for any mistakes that she might have made on the job. She also expressed her gratitude for the directions, guides, experiences, and memories while serving with the Constitutional Court.
Murry revealed that he learned a lot while serving with the Constitutional Court regarding discipline, integrity, and professionalism. He promised to spread such work culture to his original station. He said that he would like to keep in touch with the Court’s staff members and he is ready to help the Court whenever needed.
After handing a token of appreciation to both Mahmudah and Murry Miranda, Chief Justice Anwar Usman delivered a message to the two retired staff members as well as to all staff in attendance. He thanked both staff members for their service. The event was closed by expressions of congratulations from all in attendance, words of prayer, and iftar (breaking fast). (FLS/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Translation uploaded on 05/11/2020
Friday, May 08, 2020 | 18:02 WIB 195