Deputy Chief Constitutional Justice Aswanto plating a pine tree during an international conference hosted by the Supreme Court of India, Saturday (22/2) at the presidential palace Rashtrapati Bavan in New Delhi, India. Photo by Humas MK/Titis.
JAKARTA, Public Relations of the Constitutional Court—Deputy Chief Constitutional Justice Aswanto attended an international conference hosted by the Supreme Court of India on February 22–23, 2020 in New Delhi, India. The event on "International Judicial Conference 2020 on Judiciary and the Changing World" discussed the role of the judiciary in protecting the privacy rights of citizens in the internet age. On the first day, Justice Aswanto delivered a presentation on "Constitution in A Changing World: Static or Dynamic Interpretation."
In the session, which showed presentations by Jamaican, French, Ghanaian, Peruvian, and Russian justices, the citizens\' right to privacy was one of the important discussions and a concern for each country. Moreover, the judiciary has an important role in creating a balance between the need for public and state access to personal data with the right to privacy protected by the constitution.
The President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind said that the theme was very appropriate for a time in the midst of world changes. According to him, change will always happen and the world will always change, and the only thing that is certain is change. The judiciary has an important role in the midst of dramatic changes or transformations. He also mentioned the five topics at the conference were issues that affect every global community and were a challenge for justice institutions throughout the world.
Deputy Chief Constitutional Justice Aswanto had previously attended a breakfast with the President of India Shri Ram Nath Kovind and Chief Supreme Justice Sharad A. Bobde at presidential palace Rashtrapati Bavan in New Delhi, India. In the closing ceremony, each delegate was given the honor to plant a tree. Deputy Chief Constitutional Justice Aswanto planted a pine tree. (Titis/LA)
Translated by: Yuniar Widiastuti
Translation uploaded on 2/26/2020
Wednesday, February 26, 2020 | 12:45 WIB 210